I seethe. That’s the only ad he’s showing? I look at Billy, but his blank expression says he had no idea Enzo was going to go rogue on us either.

Enzo purposely isn’t letting his gaze land on me.

That son of a bitch.

Well, not really. I’ve met his mom and she’s really nice. But still. Asshole.

“Yeah, I think it works. Great job, guys.” Blair slides out her chair. “Can we talk about some of the other products while we’re here?”

Seriously? That’s it?

“Excuse me,” I say, standing.

I flee from the conference room. I cannot sit there with the bullshit he’s going to spew at them. I head to the bathroom, my stomach revolting, and almost throw up my entire turkey club from lunch. How could I have been so stupid? I trusted him, and he didn’t present my idea after we agreed to let the client make the decision. He says he sees me as his equal but in practice that’s not true.

I stand straight and leave the stall. Screw him.

Heading to my desk, I spot Enzo walking toward his office. Our paths will cross. I have no choice but to walk right into him if I’m going to my desk.

He’s eyeing me. I’m sure he thinks he can grovel and flash me that smirk and I’ll melt into his arms. Not this time. This time, Enzo Mancini is not going to get what he wants.

Turning right, I look at Jake, who perks up in his chair.

“Miss Stewart, can I see you?” Enzo opens his office door.

I smack on a fake smile. “Sure thing, Mr. Mancini.”

Once I’m in the office, he shuts the blinds.

“No! Open them.”

He blows out a breath. “Don’t get bent out of shape because of us. It was a business decision. That’s all.”

“We agreed. Three campaigns. You only presented yours.”

“Because it was the best one.” He shrugs out of his suit jacket.

I have no idea where the Petersons are at this point and I don’t care. “We agreed!”

He rolls up the sleeves of his shirt. “I’m the senior ad exec. The final decision is up to me.” He’s cool and calm, seemingly unaffected. “Selling to guys was the right way to go for the client.”

“You purposely lied to me.”

Before Enzo can respond, Billy walks in and shuts the door. Obviously, the blinds didn’t deter him. “You guys better shut the fuck up. The Petersons are still in the conference room. I don’t do the people. That’s your job. I’m the behind-the-scenes guy, so someone better get their ass back in there.”

I’ve never heard Billy be so authoritative.

“I guess the senior ad exec should do it.” I cross my arms and jut out my hip.

“What the hell happened? I thought we were pitching three?” Billy asks the same question I did.

“Mr. Senior Ad Executive decided not to but failed to mention it to us.”

Billy raises his hands. “Well, the client loved it, so let’s put it aside. All that matters is that Coddle is signing.”

“Exactly.” Enzo holds his hand out toward Billy like “listen to the man, he knows what he’s saying.”

I spear Enzo with a scathing look. “You betrayed me.”