Mr. Jacobson arrives before the Petersons. He eyes me, and I smile though I really want to ask him when I’ll actually get the perks of a junior ad executive, like maybe a more private cubicle and not having to answer Enzo’s calls.

“Looks great,” he says, digging for a handful of nuts. “You two have really been working well together.”

I smile again.

“Yeah, we make a good team,” Enzo says, his head buried in his computer.

Mr. Jacobson leans against the ledge by the window. He’s studying me, and a cold shiver skitters up my spine.

“Annie, the Petersons are here,” Elise announces from the conference room speaker.

“I’ll be back.”

I leave, wishing I could run down the hall because I can feel Mr. Jacobson’s eyes on me. He’s not checking out my ass or anything, but if feels as if he’s assessing me with two question marks in his eyes.

When I reach the lobby, I spot our guests. “Blair. Mr. Peterson.”

Blair tucks her phone into her purse, and Mr. Peterson knocks his fist on the reception desk as a goodbye to Elise.

Sliding her arm through mine, Blair leans in close. “Any more thoughts about my offer?”

“You’re relentless.” I laugh because I need this interaction to be lighthearted.

“I always know what I want, and I’m not sure I can stand another meeting with Mr. Jacobson. My dad said he won’t bring ads in-house unless it’s someone we know is talented. Which means until I secure you, we’re here.” A disgusted expression crosses her face.

“Well, as long as I’m here, you’re in good hands.” I pat her arm.

We’re at the conference room in no time. Enzo’s ready with an outstretched hand, but his tighter-than-normal smile says how much he might not care for Blair, what with her consistent desire to snag me away. Billy walks in, says his hellos, and we all sit around the table.

We decided ahead of time that Enzo would make the pitch since he’s the senior ad exec, so Billy and I sit at the far end of the table, next to Mr. Jacobson.

“Thanks for coming today,” Enzo says. “This will be our fourth product campaign, and I truly believe it’s a no-brainer. In the ad packet, there’s a lot of data about who your consumer is when it comes to condoms. I don’t think it’s a surprise that it’s men. Single men.” His gaze shoots to mine briefly.

My stomach drops, and I feel nauseated with apprehension.

Blair puts on her reading glasses. She and her dad open the pages and read them over, nodding.

“Let’s show you what we came up with, then we’ll discuss after.” Enzo steps to the side and clicks on his computer.

Billy slides his chair over and turns off the lights since he’s closest.

The ad plays. Enzo’s ad comes on the screen first, the one showing guys in different scenarios. A heterosexual male dancing in a club. Two homosexual males on a date. A heterosexual male walking a woman to her door. The slogan, Play Safe, lands in big letters on the screen.

I’m not saying it’s a crappy ad. It’s a good ad. There’s no refuting Enzo’s talent and I understand his thinking about targeting single males. But Coddle is a family company.

Enzo hits end on the video and the screen goes black.

Billy looks at me but rolls his chair over to turn on the lights.

“I do think something like this is the way to go. It speaks to your target audience,” Enzo says.

Blair rests the arm of her glasses at her lips, swiveling her chair toward me then back toward Enzo. “Do you have anything else?”

Enzo shoves his hands in his pockets, rocking back on his heels. “We’re confident in this approach.”

She nods.

Her dad smiles. “Men do make up the majority of our purchases.”