Val and I step out of the Uber in front of my zia’s house. Flowers still line the sidewalk up to the front door, but the gate isn’t white anymore. It’s black wrought-iron now. The hanging baskets boast colorful flowers that clash with the large Italian flag hanging from the porch railing.
“I remember running along these streets when we’d come for vacation.” I link my hand with Val’s mostly because I want to, but it’s nice to have the excuse that we’re supposed to be happily married.
“It must’ve been so great to come from a big family,” she says.
I hear the sadness in her tone. Val was alone a lot when her parents had to work at the store. It’s how we were thrown together—ma met Val’s ma at a church function and volunteered to watch her. Ma had no clue that from that moment forward, Val’s and my lives would be like tree roots—entwined forever.
“You always have us.”
She frowns. “Not for long. It’s almost time for us to part.”
“When does Ryder get back?”
“Next weekend.”
I let go of her hand, and she walks up the concrete steps. She’s wearing a sundress. The fabric is light and clingy and gives me a perfect view of that ass I love to bite.
I knock on the screen door. I can already hear loud conversation coming from inside.
“Val!” Zia comes to the door with her robe on. “Come. Come.” She opens the door and hugs Val. “This is so my boys. Waiting until the last minute. Lauren asked Luca to take ballroom lessons when Maddie and Mauro did, but Luca thought he had it handled.” She shakes her head. “Dominic.” She pats my cheek, smiling at me. “Look at you two. You could be on a magazine, you’re such a gorgeous couple.” She waves us inside. “Downstairs. You know the way, Dominic.”
“I do, Zia. Thanks.” I kiss her cheek and again entwine my hand in Val’s.
The basement stairs creak on our way down to the finished basement that Mauro moved into when he was a teen. All three of my cousins are on the couch in front of the Xbox, playing Madden.
Mauro has on his tux pants but no shirt. Luca’s in track shorts and a T-shirt while Cristian’s wearing jeans and a V-neck T-shirt. If I didn’t have a better body than Mauro, I’d demand he get dressed in front of Val. But let’s be real, he’s put on a few happy pounds.
“Boys,” I say.
Mauro and Luca glance up from the television, their fingers moving across the controllers as they shout at one another.
“What’s up, Dom? Thanks for bailing Luca out, Val. You’ll come to find out he’s the baby of the Bianco family and acts just like one.” Cristian ruffles his younger brother’s hair and Luca slides out from under his touch.
“He’s jealous because I’m the better-looking one.” Luca’s eyes are still on the TV screen.
“I thought we were here to teach you how to dance?” I motion for Val to sit on the plaid chair, and I stand by Cristian.
She crosses her legs and watches the game. Silent but observant.
“The girls at the hotel?” I ask.
“Nah, they’re at Luca and Lauren’s, getting ready before they head to the church,” Cristian says, since the boys are too busy playing their video game.
“Nice. So when will you be visiting the altar?” I slap Cristian on the shoulder.
He smiles. “Van’s not ready yet. I let her dictate how fast we go. She just got another new store to take on her designs, so I’m waiting until next year maybe. But I won’t be making a big deal of it like these two. We’ll be eloping.”
I chuckle. “Zia gonna like that?”
“After these two, Ma won’t mind. Maybe we’ll have a small reception, but I don’t want all the fuss. I want the wife with no wedding. Plus, her ma died when she was young, and I think it’d be painful for her to have a big to-do.”
I half smile at Cristian because out of all the Biancos and Mancinis, he’s the one who always puts others’ needs before his own. Not that we’re assholes, but Cristian’s like hero territory. Which probably explains why he’s a police officer.
“I gotta say, I was surprised to hear about your nuptials.” Cristian keeps his voice low, but Val turns ever so slightly, so I know she heard.