“Thanks.” He stands from the chair and pats Dom’s back. “See? That was, like, five minutes.” Then he stops before walking down the small hallway back to the suite door. “Don’t tell Annie, but you’re my favorite sister-in-law.”
I raise my eyebrows. “Technically I’m your only sister-in-law and—”
“Nope.” He puts up his hand. “Let’s not speak of the foreseeable demise of Vominic.”
“Your couple name. Like Brangelina?” Carm shrugs.
“I get it,” I say.
“And it’s stupid.” Dom takes Carm by the shoulders and pushes him down the hall.
“I think it has a nice ring personally. Bella and I are going with Barmelo. Awesome, right?”
“You’re just taking one name and replacing the first letter with the first letter of the other person’s name. That’s not really how it works.” The door opens and Carm’s voice fades.
“Not true! I came up with Lorenzie for Annie and Enzo.” His voice is as prideful as a kid coming home with an A on their spelling test.
“Perfect. Go interrupt them. I’m sure they’ll be happy to hear what you’ve come up with,” Dom says.
The door shuts as Carm screams a thank you to me.
Dom appears at the doorway of the bedroom. “Take those back off.”
He undoes his slacks, stepping out of them on his way to the bed. The flutter in my stomach as he stalks toward me is a bad sign, but I can’t stop myself. I’m an addict when it comes to Dominic Mancini.