“How did you know where to find me?” I ask.
She rolls her eyes. “Please. I had to listen to her go on and on through our entire lunch about how she knew where you had lunch on Thursdays, and it would be so easy to go there and see you.”
A small smile tilts my lips. “Where is she now?”
“Lancaster’s. They had a layover, so she was running over there.”
I turn to run out of the restaurant but head back. “Thank you.”
“Go!” Her eyes widen.
“Have a seat,” Carm says as I run out to hail a cab.
Lunchtime in Manhattan isn’t the easiest time to get to Lancaster’s. A cab pulls up to the curb after a minute and I debate walking, looking at the bumper-to-bumper traffic on the street. Instead, I head down the subway stairs. I can’t even remember the last time I rode the subway. It’s been so long that I have to check the routes to make sure I’ll end up where I need to be.
Standing in the underground train, I hold the silver pole and pick up my phone to call her. She doesn’t answer. Probably because it’s me.
The train stops and a swarm of kids file in, laughing and jumping. Two adults try to rein them in, putting them on available seats. One kid stares at me. I smile, and he flips me off. What the hell? He’s, like, six.
I look away. Finally, a lifetime of screaming later, it’s my stop. The doors open and I fly out and up the stairs. Lancaster’s is across the street, but I don’t bother with the crosswalk. I jet across the street, dodging a taxi that should have had me as a hood ornament.
Safely on the other side, I open the doors of the restaurant.
“Can I help you?” the hostess asks as my eyes scour the room.
“No. I’m good.”
Blair sees me first, signaling Annie to turn around. She swivels in her chair and I’m not sure what look I expected, but the one on her face isn’t what I was hoping for, that’s for sure.