I’m drowning myself in work to keep from thinking of her. I’m well aware I want her in my bed and in my kitchen and by my side every minute of every day.

“What if she says no?” My voice cracks because the idea guts me. I told the woman I love her—the only woman I’ve ever uttered those words to—and she walked out.

“Okay, I’m giving this to you straight. I’ve been nice enough up until now.” Dom puts down his fork, which means he’s serious. “You love her. I know it sucks, but it happens to men every damn day. Don’t tell Ma, but I pray every night and you know what I pray for? I pray not to fall in love. I don’t want some woman leading me around by the balls. But it’s like catching the flu—you caught it, so you need to grin and bear it. This working twenty-four seven isn’t masking your depressed eyes. You already look like a lovesick puppy dog. Like all she’d need to do is waltz in here, attach a leash to your neck, and you’d wag your tail, happy she took you back.”

“This is a pep talk?” I ask.

“What I’m saying is that I saw you at your condo with her. I knew it was over then. You were a goner and off the market. Own it and do something to keep it. Carm’s right, you’re being a weasel. Embrace your love for her and win her back. That’s how you get your man card back.” He picks up his fork to dig back into his meal.

Carm laughs. “Hey, odds were that it had to happen to one of us and looks like it’s you. Sorry, not sorry.” He slaps my back.

I sit up straighter, pushing my beer aside. I slide off the stool to go do something, anything, when I run right into a girl from Jacobson and Earl.

“Hey…” I say, trying to remember her name.

“Mae,” she deadpans, not impressed that I couldn’t place her.

“Sure, nice seeing you. Take care.” I give her a half smile and push past her.

“Things aren’t the same at Jacobson and Earl without you and Annie,” she says as I pass.

I stop in my tracks and turn back to her. I remember her now, outside talking to Annie and smelling the flowers. She was in the copy room too.

Wait, did she say without me and Annie?

She did it. She took control of her future, which makes her so much sexier than she already was. The new information wraps around me, and a proud feeling warms my chest because I know she’ll make it big somewhere.

“Where is she?” I ask.

She smiles. “Who?”

“Hello, introductions, Enzo,” Carm interrupts, but I put out my palm.

“Annie. You’re her friend, right?”

“I am, and I’m sorry, but she’d be mad if I gave you that information.” She’s acting coy as though she’s trying to see how far I’ll push. Is she here on purpose or is it an accident that we’ve run into each other?

“I know where she lives.”

Mae shrugs. “She’s not there.”


“Hey, I’m Carm, his brother.” Carm puts his hand out to her.

She shakes it.

“I know you want to tell me. So come on.”

“I was having lunch with her, and she had to leave to talk to the head of Coddle.”

“Coddle?” Finally. She made her move. I’m not even that upset that it means losing what would’ve put my new company on the map.

“Yeah, but she’s turning down the offer because she fell in love with some guy and she doesn’t want to ruin his new company or some shit like that.” She tilts her head and raises her eyebrows, questioning what I’m going to do to fix this.

“She’s declining their job offer because…”

“Yeah. I told her she was stupid and that Coddle probably won’t even pick you.” She’s smug. I like that she sought me out because we’re on the same page—Annie needs to take the Coddle position.