Through the gigantic windows facing the sea, the gray morning mocks me, as turbulent as my mood. The less sadistic half of the Brotherhood are sprawled on the overstuffed sofas, and a small part of me had hoped they’d already left.

But no. That would be too easy, considering they had the nerve to crash our weekend in the first place. To add insult to injury, Ford had the audacity to interrupt the absolute perfection going on in the bedroom.

Because Sebastian and naked in the same sentence equals heaven.

But the six men in the living room aren’t about to disappear. For the most part, they appear collected, except for Liam. He’s the only one on his feet, pacing the length of the room, though he comes to a halt when he spots Sebastian and me.

“Good of you to join us, finally,” he says, the pained longing on his face flaying me to the bone.

Before I can respond, Ford clears his throat. “This morning definitely requires more coffee. Want a cup, baby girl?”


As Ford disappears into the kitchen with his empty mug, Sebastian ushers me to a vacant seat. He lowers into it, pulling me onto his lap, and laces our fingers. I’m grateful for that grounding tether, the strength in his gentle grip that keeps my heartbeat from racing out of control.

Ford returns a minute later and hands me a steaming cup just the way I like it. I smile my thanks at him, appreciative of his thoughtfulness as he reclaims his seat in front of the rain-battered windows. He takes a sip from his mug and lets out an exaggerated sigh of contentment.

“You may now begin.” Ford waves at my brother, his hand a sweeping flourish in the air. “Your move, Astor. Enlighten us with the details of this plan.”

Landon is the picture of confidence, his jade eyes taking in the room before stalling on me. “As the chancellor already told you, we’ve agreed to rig the auction so you, my queen, can marry the man of your own choosing.”

“Okay,” I say, tightening my grip on Sebastian. “It’s obvious who my choice is.”

Landon nods. “I think the two of you make a great match. You’re important to my wife, which makes you important to me, so I’m happy that you’re happy.”

His meaning is only known to him, Liam, Sebastian and me, because everyone else is unaware of our familial connection, and for that, I’m relieved. The more people who know, the greater the chance my uncle will learn the truth and demand his rightful throne. I shudder to think of such evil taking full reign of my homeland—a place my father did everything in his power to protect before he died.

“Exactly how are we going to pull off such a rigging?” Vance asks.

“By ensuring Sebastian has the means to outbid everyone.”

“How do you plan to get around Heath? None of us can touch his wealth.”

A diabolical smile spreads across Landon’s face. “We use the leverage we have on him.”

“You’re talking about Loren, aren’t you?” As soon as the words leap off my tongue, I want to bite them back. I wasn’t supposed to say a word about what I saw in Mr. Bordeaux’s private quarters—a painful tongue clamp and abject humiliation got that message across months ago. “I mean…shit.” With a wince, I set my untouched mug on the table, too keyed up to drink caffeine. “I wasn’t supposed to say anything.”

“Heath’s sexual orientation is common knowledge among the current Brotherhood.” Landon shrugs. “I don’t enjoy the thought of outing him to his bigoted father, but I’m prepared to do it if necessary. Heath knows this.” He pauses long enough to take in the room and everyone in it. “Which is why he’s already transferred a large sum of money to me. Between that and what each of us contributes, we can guarantee the outcome of the auction.”

“What about the queen’s duty?” Sebastian plants a hand on my thigh, his fingers teasing the skin under my hemline. “You said we’d discuss getting rid of it, and I say it’s about fucking time.”

“I second that,” Vance says.

“Before the auction, we’ll call a special meeting to bring it to vote.” Landon runs a hand through his dark hair. “I propose we vote on two issues—the queen’s duty, and the policy of no marriage within the descending line of Evangeline Castle. I would like to eliminate that as well.”

His words shoot ice through my veins, and I stiffen on Sebastian’s lap. “You want to allow marriages between the houses? As in Lilith and…Sebastian, for instance?”

“Not going to happen, princess.”

“He’s right.” Landon nods at Sebastian. “Lilith isn’t a threat. But she is my sister, so of course, I want to protect her.” His gaze bores into me, telling me much more than his words can alone.

He’s also protecting me, since I’m a descendant of Evangeline Castle as much as Lilith is, and changing this policy will safeguard my marriage to Sebastian.

“It’s an arbitrary rule anyway.” Tatum plants his elbows on his knees. “Hundreds of years have passed. The bloodline is pretty diluted by now. We’re not first cousins here.”

“Agreed.” Landon rises to his feet. “If no one has anything else to hash out, let’s take it to vote, shall we?”