“Insane? Incredible?” His brows furrow. “A damn tease because I can’t get inside you the way I want.” His cock twitches under my leg, and he groans. “After we marry, you’re going to be busy for a very long time.”

“You promise?”

“Oh yeah.”

I run my fingers along his rough jawline. “By the way…I’m crazy in love with you, too.”

He rolls over until he has me pinned underneath him, one hand cradling the back of my head as our mouths collide. The kiss is deep and endless.

A union of tongues.

The merging of souls.

An intoxicating fusion of love and lust.

Wishing I could hold on to him forever and never leave this bed, I grip his shoulders and curl a leg around him. Desire sparks anew, making me achy between the legs all over again.

The Brotherhood can wait—my curiosity about secret plans can wait—because nothing is more important than being in Sebastian’s arms. Letting out a needy moan for more, I slide my hands down his back.

And freeze underneath him with a gasp.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, inching away until his eyes settle on me. Brows creasing in concern, he searches my face. “Are you okay?”

“Are you?” Fighting tears, I run my fingers over the raised flesh on his back, suddenly haunted by his stubborn bravery in the face of Pax’s whip. “He left scars on you…because of me.”

“And I’d tell him to do it again in a heartbeat.” Reaching for my hand, he laces our fingers and brings our joined hands to his chest.

“Sebastian.” My voice cracks. “You said you’d been whipped before, but it was never like that, was it?”

“I’ll never regret taking those strikes, and I’ll never be ashamed of the scars that resulted from them, because you’re safe.”

“Do they hurt?”

“No, baby. They’re only flesh-deep. The painful kind are the ones you can’t see.” He squeezes my hand. “Which is why I can’t handle you getting hurt. That would put me in agony.”

He kisses me again, his grip a vise around my fingers—as if he’s determined not to let me slip through his own. This man is my lion, my protector, the very gravity that keeps me grounded.

No amount of sexual pleasure at the hands of other men can come between us. What we have is too powerful, too binding, too addicting. Blessed oblivion tempts us, threatening to drag us under.

“I already want you again.” He leaves a fiery trail of open-mouthed kisses down the column of my neck.

We might never leave this bed.

Never stop kissing.

An insistent knock of a fist startles us back to reality.

“Are you guys about done with your minute?” Ford’s snarky tone filters through the closed door. “Because the chancellor is about to move the party in there.”

Sebastian shoots a glare toward our would-be intruder. “Don’t even think about coming into this room!”

“I doubt the bed is big enough for all of us, anyway.” Ford chuckles. “I’ll hold Castle off as long as I can. Don’t have too much fun in there.”

Sebastian exhales a resigned breath, the interruption having already shattered the moment. “You wanted answers, didn’t you?”

“No,” I say, shaking my head. “I think you had the right idea. Orgasm now, talk later.”

“Sorry, princess, but they won’t wait much longer.” Ignoring my groan of objection, he leaves the bed to search for our discarded clothing. After tugging on his pants, he tosses yesterday’s dress to me. “You ready for this?” he asks, jutting his chin toward the bedroom door and the men who wait beyond it.

“No.” Scowling, I pull the dress over my head. “But I guess I don’t have a choice.”

Sebastian takes my hand, a silent apology straining his gorgeous face, and we step into the hall.