The next three days go by in a stressful whirl, filled with last-minute work snafus, an unexpected addition to the collection that keeps me up into the wee hours of the morning, and on the night before our flight, one of my models comes down sick and can’t make the trip.

So by the time we approach Los Angeles, I’m jacked up on lack of sleep, frayed nerves, and too much adrenaline. Pressing my nose against the thick glass, I gaze at the city as the plane descends.

“I’ve never seen so many lights.”

Sebastian squeezes my hand. “Have you never been to a big city before?”

“Not like this. It’s just so…massive.”

And busy.

Buildings and traffic-filled streets extend as far as the eye can see, creating bright rows of chaos. “Uncle Rowan confined me to the estate grounds for safety reasons.” I arch a brow at Sebastian. “Though now I realize he was concerned with safeguarding my virginity.”

“I’m glad he did,” Sebastian says, tucking an errant braid behind my right ear. “Because you’re all mine now.”

The guilt eats me alive, and I hope he doesn’t pick up on it as I turn back to the window. No matter my busy schedule, or the days that have passed since Liam issued his demand, the chancellor’s words play through my head in a relentless loop.

I want your virginity.

His ultimatum haunts me as the plane touches down on the runway. After we disembark, Tatum leads us to a black limo waiting on the tarmac, and I do my best to shake off Liam’s words and focus on the here and now.

A warm breeze whips my blond locks around my face. Even dampened by the cover of nightfall, the air is fragrant with expectation and a hint of vehicle exhaust. The driver opens the back door, and I scoot in next to Sebastian.

Tatum sits across from us with a knowing grin on his face, and my stomach does an unexpected somersault. His light brown gaze travels down my chest before stalling on my hand clasped in Sebastian’s.

And I know what he’s thinking.

My eyes have a mind of their own, lowering to peek at the bulge underneath his tailored pants. Is he turned on right now, filled with anticipation at the thought of watching me with Sebastian?

Imagining every touch, every kiss, every moan?

Will he pleasure himself?

Something about his voyeurism intrigues me, makes the skin above my breasts flush hot, sends my heart into a hyper dance. The vibe he puts off draws me in until I’m dizzy with excitement.

Few in the Brotherhood have been able to do that.

“I’m going to enjoy this trip,” Tatum says before sweeping his tongue across his lower lip.

“As long as you look and don’t touch.” Sebastian untangles his hand from mine and wraps an arm around my shoulders.

“If that’s Novalee’s wish.”

Sebastian scowls, and the rest of the ride passes in silence. We pull up to a luxurious high-rise twenty minutes later, and as we enter the lobby, I’m in awe. The place is minimalist in design but rich in opulence, with onyx marble flooring and polished tawny walls. Abstract art draws the eye, while leafy plants splash the place in bold green.

“Good evening, Mr. Harding,” a well-dressed man greets Tatum from behind a reception desk. “Everything is ready per your instructions.”

“Thank you, Edwin.”

We stride to a bank of elevators and lift off to the very top.

The penthouse floor.

Nothing but the absolute best for the Brotherhood and their queen.

“You must be a frequent guest here,” I say as the elevator opens into a grand foyer.