“Yes. We own the building. Comes in handy when I have an extended layover in the area.”

“What brings you to Los Angeles so much?”

“Flying clients in and out, mostly.”

He gestures for me to proceed him into the condo, which is just as lavish as the tower on Zodiac Island. There’s nothing but glass for windows in the open-concept space, offering an unobstructed view of the downtown cityscape.

“Wow,” I breathe, passing under a massive chandelier as I make my way to the edge of the sitting room. A wall of glass separates me from the glittering skyscrapers. “It’s like being on top of the world.”

A bustling world full of glitz and glamour and life, and all of it speeding ahead at ninety miles per hour.

I sense Sebastian behind me before his hands drift down my arms. He enfolds me in a hug and rests his chin on my shoulder. “You deserve to have the world at your feet.”

“Is that so?” I smile at his reflection in the glass.


“Why do I deserve such a thing?”

“Because I love you.”

He says it with matter-of-fact certainty, causing too many emotions to clog my vocal cords. Tightening his arms around me, he kisses the sensitive spot below my ear.

With a contented sigh, I close my eyes.

Tatum clears his throat. “Sorry to interrupt, but it’s late, and we have a busy day tomorrow. We should get some sleep.”

I step out of Sebastian’s embrace. “Where are we sleeping?”

“Separately.” Tatum smiles. “For tonight, at least.” He gestures to a staircase before leading the way to the second floor, and we come to a stop in front of my bedroom suite.

Sebastian slides his palm against my cheek, his blue eyes growing dark with longing. “Sleep well,” he murmurs before pressing his lips against mine in a brief kiss. “See you in the morning.”

Closing the door between us is torture. So is crawling in bed alone while he’s on the other side of the wall, his irresistible body naked between the satin sheets because that’s how he sleeps.

I toss and turn for hours, replaying every moment we spent together at the beach cottage. Those memories are my safe place, the glue that keeps me in one piece, the reason behind the hope clinging to my heart.

And seeing him again is the reason I get out of bed eight hours later, greeted by a sunless sky. The dreariness of Los Angeles smog filters through the windows, casting the morning in gray. After dressing in lounge clothes and taking a trip to my private bathroom, I head downstairs, peeking into Tatum and Sebastian’s rooms on the way.

The doors stand open, revealing empty space.

I reach the sitting room, and the marble cools the bottoms of my bare feet, making each step soundless. The guys are nowhere in sight, the kitchen sitting as vacant as their bedrooms.

As I approach the other end of the penthouse, passing a study, a wine room, a library, and a den with a humongous flat screen television, I spot a set of open doors leading outside to the pool. A low voice drifts in from that direction, the words little more than shouted whispers, and I follow the sound to find Tatum pacing, phone to his ear. His white shirt hangs open, revealing defined abs under smooth skin, and his designer slacks are wrinkled as if he slept in them.

Halting in the open doorway, I sense the private nature of his call. I should leave before he sees me, but curiosity wins, and I stay right where I am, shamelessly eavesdropping.

“We already discussed this. You know I have a full schedule this weekend.” He pauses, one hand clutching his golden brown hair as he listens to whoever is on the other end of the line. “Fine,” he snaps. “Do what you need to do.”

Another beat passes, and then he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I know,” he says, tone softening. “I’ll try, okay?” He takes in a deep breath and lets it out. “I’ll call you later, I promise.” After he jabs the end button, he notices me standing on the threshold.

With another heavy sigh, he drags a hand down his tired face. “I didn’t mean for you to hear that.”

“Is everything okay?”

“It’s nothing you need to worry about.” His sharp tone sends me back a step.

“I’m sorry for intruding.”