Page 7 of Possession

I startled at the forgotten woman’s command. Knowing there was no point in arguing with Garreth right now, I stuck my arm out and she turned it over before stamping the inside of my wrist. I couldn’t see what she’d stamped on me, but I could feel the coldness of the wet ink before it dissipated as it dried. We headed over to the wall of lockers and I stashed my purse with phone inside the designated metal compartment.

“You ready?” Hadlee asked.

I looked over at her and almost laughed as she stood there giddy and almost bouncing with energy. “As I’ll ever be.”

We left the locker room and my breath caught at the club in front of me. Not even the club back in Pinegrove prepared me for the debauchery going on at Black Light. Suddenly, my whole body became lighter. It was like I’d come home. In wide-eyed wonder I wandered my way through the club forgetting entirely about Garreth and Hadlee. I stopped at one of the raised platforms that seemed to be spread randomly around the room to observe a scene going on. I shivered with arousal while I watched a Dom wield one of my favorite implements, the Wartenberg wheel. My nipples pebbled as I imagined the prickly points running over my skin.

My eyes continued to wander the room, and I struggled to take everything in. All my senses were firing, and I was feeling that endorphin-infused high. There was a frosted glass window like you’d see at the doctor’s office. That must be the medical/doctor play area Garreth had told me about.

I found myself flitting across the entire floor absorbing the sights, sounds, and smells of Black Light. There was nothing like hearing cries of ecstasy mixed with searing pain. The smell of sex was strong and teased my nose with the hope of what might come from the night. The musky scent had my core throbbing with a need unlike any I remember ever experiencing before. My body was ready to play. The problem was finding a likeminded partner.

I startled when a deep voice sounded far closer to my ear than I expected.

“I really hope you’re not looking for your Dom… unless of course it’s me you’re looking for.”

I inhaled a sharp gasp when I laid eyes on the man who’d spoken. The biggest and brightest blue orbs stared back at me, surrounded by sculpted cheekbones and a jaw that seemed to be chiseled from stone with a small patch of hair covering about an inch of the tip of his chin.

“And me.”

My head whipped to my other side where another breathtaking man stood so close I could feel the heat emanating off his trim, muscular body. His essence was in complete contrast to the almost light aura coming from his younger counterpart. This man was all dark. From his hair to the burning fire in his deep brown eyes. There was an intensity that made me want to purr at his feet.

“Cat got your tongue, love?”

My eyes jerked back up to meet mocha-colored eyes that I thought held a hint of humor, but I couldn’t be sure because his expression gave none of his emotions away. They both shifted positions until they stood directly in front of me and I was thankful I wouldn’t get whiplash jerking my head back and forth between them. Silence continued until I realized his question wasn’t rhetorical.

“No, I’m perfectly capable of speech.” I could taste the bitterness of the almost-lie on my tongue. They had no idea the effort it had taken me to form those six words. It was the first time in a long time I’d been struck dumb by a Dom. Let alone two of them.

“Perhaps you’d tell us your name then?” Blue eyes spoke this time.

I batted my eyelashes in an unpracticed move of flirtation. It felt awkward and unnatural so I had no idea why I’d even tried, but some insane part of my brain was leading things at the moment.


A deep growl came from the dark beast with brown eyes. “Coyness doesn’t become you.”

I blinked at the assessment, because he was one hundred percent correct. I didn’t have a coy bone in my body, and the fake emotion was clearly obvious. My eyes lowered in deference.

“You’re right. I apologize. My name is Madeline.”

A finger under my chin tilted my head up and I stared into heated dark eyes. “That’s better. I’m Nathaniel and this is Joseph. However, tonight you can call us Master.”