Page 6 of Possession

Chapter 3


When the cabpulled up in front of a storefront with a bright hand-painted sign saying PSYCHIC in bold purple lettering, I was confused. Where was this high-class club Garreth had talked up? He helped Hadlee out, then me, and my gaze darted up and down the street looking for something more. The bell above the door of the shop jingled when he opened it.

“Ladies.” He gestured inside and I entered the store with him following on my heels. My eyes scanned the dimly lit shop, my nose twitching at the clash of scents filtering through the room. My feet were moving me forward, trying to figure out where the hell we were going when I almost ran into Hadlee.

“Hello, Luís.”

I peeked over her shoulder, trying to see the person Garreth was greeting. It was then I spotted the Latino man sitting guard on an uncomfortable looking chair, half-hidden behind a curtain at the back of the shop. He smiled, lighting up his entire face and making the horrific looking scar running down the side of his face soften. He rose to greet us. The two men shook hands and he gave a respectful nod to Hadlee and me.

“Evening Garreth. Ladies. Be sure to have your membership card ready for Danny. You know how he is. Have a good night.”

He turned and opened a door I only now noticed behind him. Like a lamb being led to slaughter, I continued following my escorts and shivered inside the cold, but well-lit, tunnel. My excitement was growing at the cloak and dagger type entrance we appeared to be making into Black Light. It all reeked of mystery and intrigue with all the dark halls and mysterious men guarding locked doors. Even though I remained confused, I was more eager to see where this was going. When we stopped at the next door, Garreth turned to us, but directed his comments to me.

“I know you don’t need to be reminded, but I’m going to anyway. There will be some extremely prominent men and women inside here. People whose privacy is of the utmost importance. Parrish, I know you haven’t been here long enough to recognize the majority of them, but confidentiality is a must. There are DMs available around the entire club if you need anything. There is also a two-drink limit that is strictly enforced. You’ll have to put all your electronic devices in a locker. If you’re ready to go before we are, you only need to say the word and we’ll get out of here. In the meantime, let go of your shit and have fun.”

Childishly, I stuck my tongue out at him, which only made Garreth shake his head and Hadlee chuckle.

“You’re lucky you’re not his sub. My ass would be on fire if I tried that move with him.”

He reached for her hand and kissed her knuckles. “You know you love my punishments.”

With that, he turned around and opened the door. Instantly the base of the tunnel was flooded with an iridescent purplish light that made everything glow. He gestured us through and when we turned a short corner, there stood a muscular man behind a security desk.


Muscular man smiled and looked less intimidating. “Garreth. Miss Hadlee.” He lifted his chin in my direction. “A guest?”

“This is my best friend, Parrish.”

Politely, I reached out to shake his hand. “You can call me Madeline.”

Danny stared at my outstretched arm before placing his warm hand in mind. “Enjoy your evening, miss.”

A glass window suddenly slid open and a woman spoke to us. “Good evening, Garreth.”

“Maureen.” He nodded in greeting while holding up his arm.

She swept a small wand emitting a purplish glowing light over his inner wrist. My forehead crinkled in puzzlement and then my eyes widened in awe at a brief glimpse of a barcode and number suddenly appearing on his flesh. Holy hell, what kind of place was this? I was actually impressed. Even my local, exclusive club back in North Carolina wasn’t this high-tech and secure. Garreth hadn’t told me much about the club, but it made me wonder what kind of people opened it that required this much security to get in.

Hadlee must have sensed my awe, because she squeezed my hand and whispered in my ear. “I’m glad you decided to come with us. I know you’ve been struggling lately, but I have no doubt you’re going to have a great evening.”

I smiled back at her, happy my best friend had found someone to love who was perfect for him.

“I’m sure I will.” My response lacked confidence.

We were interrupted from further conversation when Garreth handed me a clipboard and the woman in the window rattled off instructions. “Read over these, initial each page, and sign the last one. All of your personal belongings, including all electronic devices, will need to go into a locker before you’re allowed entry. If you need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to find a dungeon monitor.”

I tuned out most of what she’d been saying as I scanned the NDA in front of me. From what I could tell, it was a typical agreement. I scribbled my initials on each page before signing it and handing it back to her.

Garreth pulled his wallet out and handed over cash.

“You don’t need to pay my way. I’ve got it.”

His only response was to shoot me a glare and my mouth snapped shut, even as I scowled right back.

“Left hand, please.”