She made this my reality.

But… no one ever thought to stop my uncle. Not even the Blacks were successful, although they sure as hell tried.

He had my entire inheritance to use on lawyers, and he liked to threaten to drain it before I turned eighteen. He had the upper hand always.

I picked myself up just as Eli’s mom pulled into the school driveway. I did my best to wipe the blood from my face, but my jaw and lip were hot to the touch.

“Caleb!” she yelled. She left the car and racing toward me. “Oh my god. What happened?”

I was living with them, and it was a small blessing. Nothing more.

She touched my cheek, and I winced.

“Uncle David had some choice words,” I mumbled.

She clucked. “He had more than some choice words. This is ridiculous. We’ll fight it.” She nodded, bolstering herself up. “You’ll be safe with us.”

Doubt it.

Guardianship would be as far as Uncle let the Blacks take it. I knew it already.

Up against him, it would always be a losing battle.



I feel him before I see him.

This time, at least, I know it’s him. My neck prickles, and goosebumps race up the backs of my arms. I straighten with the pack of candy in my hand and turn to face him.

He walks toward me with his hands in his pockets. His dark hair is brushed back from his face, and his light eyes are tracking my movement. I scan his body just as he does the same to me.

White shirt, black jeans, a black shell jacket.

All that’s missing is the aviator sunglasses to be considered a cool kid.

When my eyes get back to his face, I realize he’s smirking. I shiver, suddenly wishing I was back in the waiting room. There are witnesses there, and…

He’s been weird.

I’ve been weird, too, I know. I slept in his bed like a stalker, had sex, and then…

“You okay?” He stops in front of me. Close enough to touch, but not. His smirk fades, leaving only worry. “You’re pale.”

“Robert is in surgery,” I say.

I touch the knife in my pocket, hoping it’s an inconspicuous movement. I grab his hand, threading my fingers with his. I wonder, when I get up the courage to look at his knuckles, if they’ll be bloody.

What would Caleb say if he knew that I knew?

I already know he didn’t get much information out of him. Liam said as much. But there are so many more mysteries, and under all of it?


Why does Caleb get to beat up Matt for something that happened to me?

“I can’t do this right now,” I murmur, retreating behind my mental wall.