And honestly, as much as I don’t want to admit it, that day is branded in my memory.
Uncle David waited for me at the curb. It was the first week of school at Emery-Rose Elite. The high school version of it anyway. I was expecting to go home with Eli and his parents, but they were nowhere to be found.
“In,” he ordered.
I slowly climbed into his car. The door shut, and I just knew it was sealing my fate. He had a vicious temper, and I knew exactly what he had managed to find out.
He was quiet. He didn’t drive away, not yet. He wouldn’t until he’d said his piece. But right now, the silence was thick and cloying.
“Another home,” he finally said. His fist lashed out, connecting with my mouth.
It surprised the hell out of me, but it also hurt.
Blood filled my mouth.
“You think we don’t keep track of Ms. Wolfe?” he taunted. “Don’t know every fucking move she makes?”
I didn’t say anything.
He hit me again, and the blood sprayed out of my mouth. My whole body whipped toward the window. He grabbed my shirt collar, bringing me back toward him.
There was a dangerous look in his eye. Mostly crazy, but also… calculating.
“Because of the social worker?” I asked.
He released me.
I slumped against the door, watching him warily.
“You piece that together on your own, hmm?” he asked. His mouth made a straight line. “Smart boy. Maybe you’ll be smarter and leave the girl alone. Someone is bound to get suspicious, and Ms. DeVine said she can’t keep covering for you.”
“Ironic, isn’t it?” I laughed to myself. “Her name is literally divine.”
Uncle fisted my collar again, pulling me forward and slamming me back. My head hit the blood-streaked glass, and white spots popped like fireworks in front of my vision.
“You’re going to cut the shit,” he ordered.
“Dear Uncle,” I said, biting back a groan. “I’m just doing what you drilled into me.”
He raised an eyebrow.
“Hating her,” I sighed. “Hating her so fucking much, she can’t be happy.”
He reached around me, opening the car door. I fell backward, my back hitting the curb. Pain lanced through my torso, and a moan escaped me. Everything was flickering between numb and pain.
I picked myself up in time for him to chuck my bookbag through the open door.
Then… he left.
And me? I was found by Norah Black. I had a loose tooth and split lip. Bruising across my jaw. A cracked rib. Fixable things.
Minor things.
I refused to say what happened. We’d already been over it—Uncle and I, that was. If I spoke out, I’d be painted a liar. I’d never see a drop of my inheritance. He’d move me to the most remote boarding school he could find, just so that I’d never have the chance to get my hands on Margo Wolfe.
That was all I wanted. All I could focus on.