Scotty tried not to laugh but failed. “I know it’s not funny, but of course this happened when she’s going to be in pictures.”

“And on TV.”

“That too. I can’t believe everything that’s happened this weekend. Thanks again, you know, for taking me with you for the swearing-in and making me part of it.”

“Of course you’re part of it. You’re part of us.”

“Thanks for that too. When I think about how much my life has changed in the last two years…”

“Right there with you, pal. On this day two years ago, I was still John’s chief of staff. I probably played basketball at the gym with my friends and went out for beers and nachos afterward. And then I went home by myself to prepare for work the next day. That was my life. And now…”

“Now you’re president and have a family that keeps you from going out for beer and nachos with the boys.”

“I got to do that for a lot of years. This is way better. Except for the being-president part, of course.”

“I think you’re going to end up liking being president.”

“Is that right?”

“Uh-huh. You’re the most powerful guy on the planet. That’s super cool.”

“Ah, but as Spider-Man’s Uncle Ben would say, with great power comes great responsibility.”

“Spider-Man’s uncle was right.”

“Spider-Man was John’s favorite. He was always quoting him and his uncle.”

“It must be weird to think that if your friend hadn’t died, none of this would’ve happened.”

“It’s very weird. Who knows if I ever would’ve seen Mom again, even though I wished for years after we first met to see her, and I never would’ve met you. There’d be no family or presidency.”

“One event led to all of that.”

“And another event led us to Elijah and the twins. You ever hear the expression about life turning on a dime?”

“I think so, but I’m not sure what it means.”

“When a car is super maneuverable, they say it turns on a dime. The same is true for life. One big or small event can change everything.”

“Like you coming for a tour at the home in Richmond changed my life.”

“And mine, and Mom’s.”

He gestured to the twins, who were playing with their Little People village that Nick and Scotty had helped them set up after Elijah left. It included several new pieces from their birthday party. The volume of the TV made it so they couldn’t hear what Nick and Scotty were saying. “Do you think they’re really okay?”

“They will be. In time. According to the therapist, they’re doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances. Having Elijah here for almost a week was like old times to them, so it’s natural for them to be sad about him leaving.”

“They were so happy yesterday at their party. I was hoping that would last awhile longer.”

“They’ll bounce back. Eli will FaceTime with them tonight, which will help.”

“I just feel really sorry for what they’re going through,” Scotty said.

“I’m sure it’s brought back some memories for you too.”

He shrugged. “A few. I understand how they feel. I wish there was more we could do to make them feel better.”

“All we can do is love them. That’s what they need most right now.”