“This is crazy,” Tracy said, giggling like a girl. “I can’t believe you’re going to live at the freaking White House.”
“Well, believe it, and we’re going to have all the fun while we’re there.” If they had to make this huge life change, they might as well enjoy it as much as they possibly could.
Sam ended the call and held the phone to her chest, overwhelmed by her sister’s excitement. Tracy and Angela had been her touchstones all her life, and having them by her side for this latest adventure would make it bearable. She was glad she’d thought to invite them to come with her today, even if she should’ve had the idea sooner. Maybe it was better this way, since now they wouldn’t have time to melt down about it.
She dashed off a quick text to Lilia to let her know her sisters were coming to her meeting with Mrs. Nelson.
Lilia wrote right back. No problem. I’ll let her team know.
Thanks. You’ll be there too, right?
Wouldn’t miss it.
Sam felt better knowing the incredibly competent Lilia would be there to smooth the way for her.
As they got closer to GW, she called Dr. Anderson.
“Didn’t I just see you?”
“Funniest thing happened after I left you.”
“What’s that?”
“I took an elbow to the face and messed up my hands, and my buddy Cruz thinks I might need a stitch. Any chance you can get me in and out of there quickly? I have a meeting in two and a half hours with Mrs. Nelson that I can’t be late for.”
“This will require two punches on your frequent-flier card.”
“Everyone is a comedian today.”
Laughing, he said, “How far out are you?”
“Five minutes.”
“Come to the ambulance bay. I’ll meet you there.”
“Thanks, Doc.”
“Anything for you, FLOTUS.”
“Don’t call me that, or I’ll stab you.”
“You need me too much to stab me.”
Sam let him have the last word, closed her phone and her eyes and tried not to think about how the throbbing in her face was getting worse rather than better.
Chapter Nineteen
“Was that Mom?” Scotty asked Nick after he got off the phone. They were on the sofa, watching football while the Littles played with their toys on the floor in front of them. They’d cried when Elijah left and had been subdued for the last hour or so.
“It was.”
“Is she hurt again?”
“Yep. Took an elbow to the face while arresting a bad guy.”
“She’s worried about looking like she just got out of a boxing ring when she sees Mrs. Nelson later.”