“And he was cool with that?”
“I guess. I made myself very clear.”
“There’s a lot of talk in the media about how we’ve never had a first lady who chose to keep a job outside the White House.”
“It’s probably high time we did, wouldn’t you say?”
“I would, and lots of others are saying that too.”
“That’s good to know.” She took another sip of her drink before dumping the rest down the drain so she wouldn’t be tempted to guzzle it all. “I need to get back to the twins.”
“I’ll stay close to keep the parents away from you.”
“Thank you. In case I forget to tell you, you’re the best.”
“I gotcha covered.”
Tracy poked her head into the kitchen. “Ah, Sam, you’re going to want to come here.”
Sam gave Freddie a what the hell is this? look and left the kitchen in time to see Brant come into the house ahead of Nick. A buzz of excitement went through the room when the guests saw him.
Nick spotted Sam and went right to her, putting his arm around her and kissing her forehead. “I heard there’s a party here and didn’t want to miss it.”
“I thought you couldn’t get away.”
“So did I until I realized if there’s any benefit to being president, it’s that I should be able to decide what I do and when I do it.”
“Good thinking, Lincoln.”
“Actually, it’s Cappuano, with two p’s.”
Sam smiled up at him, wishing she could kiss him the way she wanted to, but with scores of strangers watching them, she resisted the urge and led him to the dining room, where the kids were playing pin the tail on the donkey.
Alden and Aubrey let out cries of happiness when they saw Nick, leaving their friends and the game to come hug him.
He squatted to their level and hugged them both at once.
Seeing him with them made Sam forget all about her earlier aggravations so she could focus on him and their family.
They sang “Happy Birthday,” helped the twins cut the cake, took pictures with them, Scotty and Elijah, and supervised the opening of an enormous number of presents that would have to be moved to their new home. Goody bags were distributed as school friends began to leave with their starstruck parents until they were finally down to their own family and close friends.
“What an awesome party, Shelby,” Sam said. “Thank you so much.” She led a round of applause for their Tinker Bell, the maker of magic.
Shelby bowed dramatically and straightened the crown on her head that had gotten crooked during the course of the afternoon.
“Come get off your feet,” Sam said to her, gesturing to the sofa. “We’ll clean up.”
“Don’t mind if I do. The old gray mare ain’t what she used to be.”
“Who do you think you are, calling my beautiful wife an old gray mare?” Avery asked as he put an arm around her.
She reached for Noah, who was on Avery’s lap, and snuggled him into her embrace.
“I hate to say I have to go,” Nick said, “but I have to go.”
“What’re you hearing from Iran?” Harry asked him.
“Nothing,” Nick said, seeming disheartened. “I’m due to hear my options at five, and I expect them to be unsettling.”