“I don’t envy you that,” Harry said, grimacing.
“Why do people want this job so badly?” Nick asked, forcing a smile for the sake of their friends.
Sam could see he was deeply troubled and stressed, as anyone would be with so much at stake in this situation.
He went to say goodbye to the kids, who were sitting in the middle of their own personal toy store while Scotty and Elijah helped them with packaging and setup. “I’m so glad you guys had such a fun day. Make sure you say thank you to Shelby.”
“Thank you, Shelby!” they said together.
“You’re welcome, my loves.”
Nick said his goodbyes to their friends and family, all of whom had congratulated him and given him their best wishes. The support of those closest to them was good for him as he stepped into this difficult role.
Sam walked Nick to the door. “I’m so glad you got to be here.”
“Me too. They’re so damn cute.”
“They sure are.”
At the doorway, Nate, the Secret Service agent on duty, stepped outside to give them a minute of privacy.
“Are you doing okay?” she asked.
“Taking it a minute at a time. Big meeting at five. After that, I should know more.”
“Good luck. We’re all praying for a peaceful resolution.”
“Thanks,” he said, kissing her. “I’ll be home as soon as I can.”
“We’ll be here. Do you think I should talk to the Littles about the move while I’ve got the chance with Eli here?”
“I hate to say you probably should, because I really wanted to be here for that. But I think it’s more important that he’s here to reassure them.”
“Don’t worry about it. Eli, Scotty and I will take care of it. You take care of you.” She kissed him again. “We love you.”
“Love you too.”
And then he was out the door, surrounded by Secret Service agents.
“The poor guy has the weight of the world on his shoulders,” Graham O’Connor said.
Sam turned to him. “It would’ve been more than enough without the situation in Iran.”
“Indeed,” Graham said. “Take comfort in knowing he’s surrounded by great people who will help him figure out what to do. I’m going to the White House myself after this, and I’ll stay for as long as he needs me.”
“That’ll mean a lot to him, Graham. Thank you for that.”
“Try not to worry too much. He’s one of the smartest guys I’ve ever known, and I have full faith in his ability to navigate everything that’ll come his way.”
Sam had no doubt that Nick had all the intelligence and political savvy needed to be a successful president, but she couldn’t help but wonder about the toll his new job would take on their marriage and family.
Lilia came over to talk to her, holding her smart phone. “Mrs. Nelson’s chief of staff wants to confirm your appointment for afternoon tea and a tour of the residence tomorrow at two.”
“I’ll be there.” After Lilia confirmed the appointment and ended the call, Sam said, “What do I wear to meet with the first lady?”
“Don’t you mean the former first lady? Since, of course, you’re now the first lady.”
Sam scowled at her. “I keep forgetting that.”