“Quit being polite.”
Sam laughed and immediately felt better. “Are you calling me from the Oval Office?”
“It just so happens that I am.”
“I hope someone’s getting pictures.”
“One of the White House photographers has been here all morning recording history. I’ve got to run. I’m meeting with Nelson’s cabinet in twenty minutes.”
“Are you keeping them?”
“I’m giving them the choice to stay or go.”
“Will they be loyal to you?”
“Maybe not at first, but they’ll come around, or they won’t be invited to stay. Terry was up all night reading about what Johnson did after Lincoln died, what Truman did after FDR died and what Johnson did after Kennedy died. There’s some precedent, and we’re following it to a point.”
“That’s very interesting. Good luck with the cabinet.”
“Thanks, babe. I have to renege on the plans for later. I hadn’t had coffee yet when I wrote that note to you. I’m doing the address to the nation at eight p.m. It’s critical I send the message that I’m in charge and taking care of business. I’ll be home after that, but it’ll be too late for the twins.”
“They’re having a blast with Elijah and Scotty. They went to the zoo just now. Don’t worry about us. We’ll be watching tonight.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too.”
Sam ended the call and conveyed the gist to her sisters.
“You should go there,” Tracy said. “After dinner with the kids. Go there and be with him before he gives that speech.”
“She’s right,” Angela said. “He needs you.”
“Okay, I will. You guys will keep telling me how to do this, right?”
“We’ve been telling you what to do all your life,” Tracy said. “Why would we stop now?”
Chapter Six
An hour later, Sam was ready to visit Gigi in the hospital. She went downstairs, put on her coat and headed out the door like it was any other day. However, the Secret Service agents standing on the ramp, wearing black from head to toe and toting machine guns, were a stark reminder that this day was like no other.
“Gentlemen,” she said to agents she didn’t recognize. “If you’ll let me pass, I’ll get out of your way.”
“I’m afraid that’s not possible, ma’am.”
“Why not?”
“You’re not to leave here without a detail, ma’am.”
“And where did that order come from?”
“The top, ma’am. The very top.”
Meaning Nick. Huh. That was surprising—and a little disappointing.
“I’d be happy to arrange transportation for you anywhere you wish to go, ma’am.”
Sam realized she had two choices. The first would be to make a scene with the agents, who, as fellow law enforcement officers, were merely following orders. The second would be to allow them to do what they did and take it up with Nick later. She chose option B.