“You’ll figure it out,” Angela said. “If anyone can handle this, you guys can.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence. Nick is worried about people making a thing of him becoming president right after he said he wasn’t going to run.”

Tracy bit her lip, which was a big “tell” for her.


“They’re already making a thing of it,” she said, “but I think they’ll get past it when he shows he’s more than up to the job.”

Sam’s phone chimed with a text from Nick. I’m calling you. Her phone rang, and the caller ID reported the number as unavailable. “This is Nick. Sorry, but I have to take it.”

“Go ahead,” Angela said.

She decided at the last second to use one of her dad’s favorite opening lines. “Kelly’s Pool Hall. Eight Ball speaking. How may I help you?”

Chuckling, Nick said, “I’m looking for my wife. She’s a hot blonde, about five-nine, curvy and sexy as all hell. Is she there?”

“She’s flirting with a biker dude. You want me to get her?”

“Yeah, tell her that her husband loves her and needs her more than anything.”

Swoon. “What’s going on?”

“I have a favor to ask…”

“Another one? I just did you a rather big favor by becoming first lady. What more do you want?”

“Turns out that’s just the start of what I’m going to need from you. Trevor and the communications team are strongly recommending we do a joint interview in the next few days with one of the networks. Would you be willing?”

“Is that another rhetorical question?”

“It’s a yes-or-no question.”

Sam propped her head on her upturned hand. “I suppose I could do it for you considering what you’re going to do for me, right?”

“Right. We have a meeting Tuesday at two with the director of the Secret Service. Can you be here for that?”

“I’ll see if I can fit it into my busy schedule.”

“On Wednesday late afternoon, we’ll be the first to greet the Nelson family at the Capitol where President Nelson will lie in state for twenty-four hours before the funeral on Thursday. Obviously, we’re going to have to be there for all of that.”

“I’ll see about taking the time off.”

“Thank you.”

“Stop being so polite with me.”

“How else should I be when I’m asking you to upend your entire life for me?”

“Be normal.”

“I don’t even remember what that is anymore.”

“I’ll do the interview and the funeral and anything else you need.”

“And I’m working from my end to figure out what has to happen to get you back to work as soon as possible.”

“Thank you.”