“I’ll look forward to that all day. You must’ve needed the sleep.”

“Eh, not really. Nothing much went on this week.”

Nick laughed as he followed her into the shower.

They left the house thirty minutes later for the breakfast reception in the East Room at the White House. Sam met a staggering number of dignitaries, including the prime ministers of England and Canada, the German chancellor, the presidents of Mexico and France, as well as the Supreme Court justices.

In a poignant moment, the White House residence staff presented Mrs. Nelson with shadow boxes made from wood preserved from past White House renovations. The shadow boxes contained the flags that flew over the White House on President Nelson’s first and last days in office. Gloria hugged each member of the staff before she departed the White House for the last time.

Everyone wanted a moment with Nick, and he barely got to eat before they were ushered into the motorcade that would leave from the White House and travel to the Capitol. A military unit would carry the casket to a horse-drawn carriage for the trip to the National Cathedral for the funeral service. The streets of the District were lined with people watching the procession.

Every other member of the Metro PD was on duty that day, providing security and traffic control to ensure a smooth event. It made her uncomfortable to be exempted from an all-hands-on-duty situation. While she was where she needed to be, her heart was also with her brothers and sisters in blue.

“I feel guilty,” Sam said, the words popping out before she had time to consider whether she should say them.

“They understand why you can’t be with them today.”

“Do they? Or do they just think it’s another special privilege for a special snowflake?”

“You’re the most special of snowflakes, my love.”

“I hope you know… Nothing they say or do matters to me as much as supporting you does. I don’t care what they think or what they say. I only care about you and our family and doing my very best on the job. That’s it.”

“I know that, babe. And I so appreciate everything you’re doing to make it a smooth transition for all of us. It was an inspired idea to ask Celia to move with us. That’ll give us such peace of mind when we can’t be with the kids, and it’ll give her all-new purpose.”

“I hope so.”

He put his arm around her and kissed her temple. “No husband in the history of husbands has ever asked more of his wife than I have this week, and you’ve stepped up to the occasion so beautifully and with such grace.”

“Really?” she asked, moved by his kind words. “I feel like a red-hot mess fumbling my way through it.”

“Not at all. You’re doing great. And in the midst of the greatest upheaval in the history of our lives, you also managed to solve a murder, a gang rape and a fifteen-year-old cold case, not to mention successfully ending a hostage situation. You’re my Wonder Woman.”

“You’re very good for a fledgling first lady’s ego, my friend.”

“Your ego should be very, very healthy. After today and tomorrow, hopefully things will calm down a bit, and we can try to find a new normal in all of this.”

Sam laughed—hard. “We’ve been waiting for things to ‘calm down’ for two years now. How’s that going for ya?”

He joined her laughter, which was a good reminder that as much as things had changed, the most important thing never would.

“What’re you hearing from Dani and Gigi?”

“Dani is much better after receiving IV fluids. She’s set to go home today, and Gigi is on the mend. She should be back to work in about three weeks.”

“That’s good news.”

“Have you picked a vice president yet?”

“I’m afraid to risk losing a seat in the Senate, so I think I’m going with Henderson.”

“Oh. Well, that’s good.”

“What’re you not saying?”

“Huh? Nothing.”

“Samantha, try that with someone who doesn’t know you as well as I do. What is it you really want to say?”