“I just… I don’t know. I got a weird vibe from her.”
“What kind of weird vibe?”
“I can’t explain it. It was just… weird.”
“I didn’t have the best feeling about her either, and I’ve learned to trust that gut of yours. I guess I’ll ask Jessica Sanford then.”
“Seriously? Just because I picked up a vibe?”
“Nick, you can’t decide on a vice president based on my weird vibes.”
“The last thing I need is to make a bad choice in this first important decision I’ll make as president. I trust your gut, and it’s giving you a vibe, so I’ll ask Sanford and take my chances with the Senate.”
“What about the perfume?”
“Terry will tell her the truth and ask her not to wear it.”
“Perfect, but I still can’t believe you’re making a decision based on my gut.”
“Believe it. It’s the best gut I know. Anytime you get one of your feelings while I’m in office, please share it with me. You’re my most trusted adviser.”
“I’m happy to share my gut checks with you.” She looked out at the crowds that lined the streets for the late president. “Did Gloria ask you to speak at this?”
“No, and I’m glad she didn’t. It would’ve been weird after everything that happened between Nelson and us.”
“For sure.”
“Hanigan is doing the eulogy along with Nelson’s daughter and granddaughter.”
They arrived at the National Cathedral and were ushered into the pomp and circumstance of a presidential funeral. Before John O’Connor’s funeral, Sam had never been in the National Cathedral, and it was odd to recall meeting the Nelsons for the first time that day. As she sat through the service and listened to the touching memories shared by Tom Hanigan, Amanda Nelson and her daughter, she realized Scotty had been right about it being too soon after Skip’s funeral to be attending another one.
Her emotions were all over the place, which she hadn’t expected in connection to David Nelson. He’d played a minor role in her life at best.
Nick held her hand throughout the service and as they departed the cathedral for Joint Base Andrews to fly the Nelsons home.
During the ride to Andrews, Sam placed a call to Roni Connolly and reached her voice mail.
“Hey, Roni, it’s Sam. Just calling to check in. I’m traveling with the Nelsons to South Dakota today, but you can give me a call tomorrow if you have a chance, or shoot me a text. Hope to catch up soon.”
Sam ended the call and decided to text Darren Tabor, Roni’s colleague at the Washington Star. Hey, it’s Sam. Just wondering if you’ve talked to Roni in the last few days. Let me know.
He wrote back a few minutes later. Madam First Lady, how nice to hear from you. I haven’t talked to Roni this week. She took some leave, and when I texted her, she didn’t reply. I’ll check on her after work and let you know when I see her. You looked good on TV today. How’s AF One?
Sam smiled as she responded. On our way there now. I’m sure it’s super cool, but still an airplane, which makes it my least favorite place to be. Thanks for checking on Roni. Do let me know when you catch up with her.
Will do. Safe travels, and keep your old pal in mind for any exclusives you might wish to share, or if you ever need someone to hold your hand on AF One.
Sam laughed and responded with three laughing emojis.
“What’s so funny?” Nick asked.
“Darren making himself available for all exclusives and rides on Air Force One.”
“We’ll bring him sometime. Remind me to make that happen.”
“He’ll die.”