“She would indeed. It’s just a matter of whether she wants the job when she’s going to be juggling two little ones before much longer.”

“If anyone can find a way to make that work, she can.”

“I’m glad you agree. I’ll let you know what she says. Now go home to your handsome doctor and give him my love.”

Lilia blushed at the mention of Harry. “I’ll do that.”

Sam followed Tracy and Angela into the black SUV and buckled in for the short ride to Shelby’s.

“That was one of the most incredible things I’ve ever done,” Angela said. “Thank you for asking us to come with you.”

“I agree,” Tracy said. “It was awesome.”

“Thank you for coming. I want you guys to be by my side through all of this.”

“Where else would we be?” Tracy asked.

Sam was saved from having to give an emotional response to her sisters’ outpouring when her phone rang with a call from Freddie.

“Hey,” she said. “What’s up?”

“I was expecting to have to leave a message.”

“Sorry to disappoint you. You’ve got me in the flesh.”

“Ew. Anyway, I wanted to let you know that one of Gonzo’s informants led us to Evans’s known associates. We’ve rounded them up and have them all in custody. We have Byron Tomlinson lined up to get DNA from all of them.”

“That’s great work, you guys,” Sam said, wishing she could’ve been there with them.

“Another very interesting thing is that one of them was at Ballou High School with Calvin Worthington.”

Sam nearly stopped breathing when she heard that. “Is that right?”

“I recognized his name from a search I did of kids he went to school with who were in trouble before or after Calvin was killed.”

“That’s good thinking and very interesting indeed,” Sam said. “In the morning, let’s dig into that and see if he knew Calvin. Good work, Cruz. And tell Gonzo I said the same to him.”

“Will do. We’re waiting until they’re processed, and then we’re punching out for the day.”

“See you in the morning.”


She closed her phone with a satisfying slap. “That’s the best news I’ve had all day. We’ve got all five of the men who gang-raped a woman last night and murdered her boyfriend.”

“Jeez,” Angela said on a low whisper.

Sam glanced at Tracy, regretting the way she’d dropped that bomb in the middle of their good time. “I’m sorry, Trace. I wasn’t thinking.” Just over a year ago, Tracy’s daughter Brooke had been the victim of a similar attack.

“It’s okay,” Tracy said with a small smile. “She’s doing great now, and that’s what matters.”

“These things are so routine to me that I almost become numb to them,” Sam said. “I’m sorry to be insensitive.”

“Don’t worry about it, Sam. Really. I know it’s your job to deal with stuff like that all the time, and I often wonder how you can stand it.”

“The numbness helps, but it also makes me a clod at times.”

“Let it go. I totally understand. Really, I do.”