They pulled up to Shelby and Avery’s townhouse a few minutes later. “Come with me,” Sam said.
Chapter Twenty-Two
The sisters went up the stairs to the door, where Avery waited to let them in.
“I come bearing friends,” Sam said.
“I see that. Welcome, ladies. This is the first time we’ve ever had a first lady visit us,” Avery said with a devilish twinkle in his eye. “We’re honored.”
“Shut it.” She’d last been there for Shelby and Avery’s surprise wedding on Shelby’s forty-fourth birthday. “Sorry to drop in on you guys this way, but I need a word with my favorite personal assistant.”
“She’s in the family room with Noah.” He pointed the way. “Make yourselves at home, and if possible, Sam, I could use a minute with you before you go.”
“Sure.” Sam wondered if he had new information about Nick’s mother. She’d asked him if the FBI could take a below-the-radar look at the woman who’d brought nothing but hell and heartache to Nick since the day he was born. Nicoletta had been worse than ever since Nick became vice president, using his standing to boost her own like the grifter she was. Sam shuddered to think about the damage her mother-in-law could do now that Nick was president.
She followed her sisters into Shelby’s family room. “Don’t get up,” she said when Shelby made a move to stand.
“I want to hug my friend the first lady.”
“Your friend will come to you.” Sam dropped to her knees and bent to hug Shelby and kiss Noah. As usual, Shelby was dressed from head to toe in pink, including sweats and a plaid flannel shirt that was tight against her blossoming pregnancy belly.
“Sorry about the mess.”
“I don’t see any mess. I see a little boy having fun with his mommy and his toys.”
“He loves his toys. How are my other favorite kids today? Still living off the sugar high?”
“They’re taking it easy, but enjoying playing with all their new stuff. Thank you again for the most magnificent party ever.”
“It was fun, until one of the jackass parents posted a picture. Next time, we’re banning their phones and hiring a photographer.”
“We can rely on the White House photographer next year.”
“I told Avery I want him to find and arrest whoever posted that picture.”
“I want that too, but it might not be the best thing for the kids at school.”
“Makes me so bloody mad that people would betray your privacy that way.”
“It just proves that as popular as Nick is, he still has his detractors.”
“It’s disgusting, especially after you welcomed them into your home. We’ll figure out who it was and make sure they’re never invited again.”
“I’m a little turned on by this vindictive side of my Tinker Bell,” Sam said with a teasing grin.
“She’s fierce when anyone messes with her loved ones,” Avery said.
“That’s right. Don’t mess with my people.”
“We’re honored to be among your loved ones, and we’re hoping you’ll still love us when you hear what I’ve come to ask you.”
Shelby cast a wary glance at her and then expanded it to include Avery, Tracy and Angela. “I’m almost afraid to ask…”
“I, well, I guess it’s we need a social secretary at the White House, and we want you.” Sam hadn’t gotten a chance to ask Nick first, but she had no doubt he’d fully support her choice of Shelby for the pivotal role. They needed someone who understood protocol and official Washington, and Shelby was a true insider.
She stared at Sam with what appeared to be shock.
“Hello? Earth to Shelby?”