Page 41 of Shield My Heart

The moment I reached the corridor my chest burned from the run. I should never have left her. I grabbed the master key I’d created, glad of my quick thinking and stormed toward the door until I stopped in my tracks. Dots of blood decorated the floor—fresh blood—and it made me think I was too late. I couldn’t scream. I needed the element of surprise but I couldn’t calm my beating heart. Would I be met with the lifeless body of the woman I loved on the other side of the door?

I slammed open the door and I felt my body freeze.

The back of a woman overlooked my woman as I noticed an unconscious Memphis and blood dripping from his head.

“Shut the door and lock it. I knew the piece of trash wouldn’t be able to stay away,” the woman said menacingly. “It’s time we had a talk.” I did as she said but I didn’t allow the lock to engage fully; instead, turning it to a forty-five degree angle and back again twice. I hoped Barrett’s device inside would trigger the silent alarm I’d placed inside earlier in the mechanism as a precaution to alert the danger that we were in or Cass had actually done the right thing. “I hope you’re not playing games. I mean it would be a shame to blow her head off but it would finally make sure I was set up for life, wouldn’t it?”

Hmm. What did she mean?

The woman flipped Charlotte around, holding her against her chest and pushed the barrel of the gun straight into her temple. I didn’t know if I should be more relieved or petrified as I saw the determination and willpower shining in my woman’s face. There was not an ounce of fear. That was scary. It was the double take between the two woman that nearly had me dropping to my knees though as I walked toward them both.

“I’ve been waiting for this day. I wouldn’t say it’s nice to finally meet you,” she sneered, trailing her eyes down my body. “I don’t see the appeal. He’s a real letdown, Lotte.” She stepped back and threw Charlotte into my arms. I held her tight against me and the woman watched the pair of us as she paced in front of us with the gun trained on the pair of us. “I see you’ve been looking for me for a while now and have been enjoying my letters and presents.”

“You’re a piece of work,” Charlotte spat out. I stared at her, hoping she could understand that she needed to remain calm and collected. The woman had a fucking gun pointed at us.

“Have you figured out who I am yet? I’m Charlotte’s mother. Miriam,” she proudly said with a massive grin across her face.

“No, you’re not… I no longer have a mother!” Charlotte screamed back at her, letting her anger out as I attempted to maneuver her behind my back.

“Tut tut. I’d stop that now. Unless you want the same fate as that bitch singer of a sister of his.” I fisted my hands together and gritted my teeth together. I’d been trained to remain calm. I had to protect the woman I loved but she was goading me into a reaction. How could she know about Lily? It wasn’t public knowledge unless… “I can hear that mind whirling away from here.”

“Leave Lily out of this,” Charlotte exclaimed. “She has nothing to do with this. It’s all about us as normal, isn’t it Mom?”

“Have you forgotten that I’m the one with a gun in my hand or have you gone stupid, as well as blind, since you started sucking his dick?”

“Not like I miss it. Why? If you were struggling, you could have come to me.”

“Charlotte, really?” she bellowed. “You know and I know you’d have sent me packing.” I watch Charlotte’s face screw up at the truth she’d stated. She was obviously trying to buy us time. “I thought the game was up when that nosy make-up artist caught me that evening in the parking lot, but Cass was a great support in the end, especially when I clued her in on my plan.” She shook her head. “It was even easier when she said that she didn’t want the money; all she wanted was you,” she said, directing her words to me. She laughed at the audacity. “A fucking guy, that’s all the bitch wanted. She could have bought her way in life and made any guy turn his head but nope, she wanted the musician’s brother, the bodyguard, the best friend’s piece of meat. Well, it’s a good thing I don’t break promises, isn’t it?”

“Charlotte, watch out!” I screamed as Memphis moaned and kicked his legs out, knocking Miriam’s stance as she shot the gun. I pushed Charlotte out of the way and felt the searing pain travel through me. I heard my name being screamed before darkness came and claimed me.

I saved her.

That was all that mattered.




Iwas so glad my mother and Cass were in the hands of the law and Xander’s contacts had arrived when they had because otherwise, I’d have been sent down for murder myself after the news I’d just heard.

The fact I’d been warned Cass could get a reduced sentence fucked me right off, but she was cooperating with the police, unlike my bitch of a mother but it seemed they wouldn’t need anything from her anyway with the life stories and reasons Cass had dragged out of her. I mean, I could’ve lived with the reasons she’d come after me was money related. I’d assumed that by the way she’d spoken to me. When Cass had confirmed she’d discovered I had a life insurance policy everything made sense.

I just didn’t expect the curveball.

I didn’t expect her driving factor to kill me to actually stem deep within a part of her own life. That she wanted retribution for something that was beyond our control. I knew I couldn’t keep it from Xander though and we’d need to work through this together.

I was still getting over the fact he was okay.

He’d taken a bullet for me and survived.

Thankfully it had just grazed his shoulder but he had needed surgical intervention.

I’d never been so relieved in my life.

My mother was a Grade A psycho with a vendetta set out against not only me but Xander too. She had her own objective of wanting Xander killed and that’s what hurt the most. I just hoped we could get through this.