Page 42 of Shield My Heart

“You can go through now,” the doctor said. “He’s asking for you and he’s more alert. Just take it easy. Officer Reynolds has already taken his statement.”

I let out a breath, desperate to see him with my own eyes. It didn’t matter that everyone had told me he was okay. I wouldn’t settle until I was next to him watching his chest rising and falling and hearing my name on his lips.

“Charlotte…” I burst into tears the moment I walked through the door and stood at the end of his bed. “Come here, kitten. I’m okay.” He coughed while pointing to the water and I coaxed the straw into his mouth and encouraged him to take a few sips. “You should be at the party?”

“Are you kidding me?” I opened my mouth shocked. “You took a bullet for me Xander. You’ve been in surgery most of the night. The party would’ve well and truly been over by now. Barrett dealt with it all. He got Officer Reynolds here.” I breathed out slowly. “He saved us all.”

I watched as Xander turned his head towards the closed blinds but the sprinkling of sunlight was basking through.

“I didn’t get to give you your birthday present.” Xander tried to push himself to sit up and I tutted. “It can wait. I have you and that’s the best present I can wish for.”

“But Charlotte…”

“Wait until we’re home and you’re better.” I raised my brow, knowing that this wasn’t the time or place to be thinking about gifts. I needed to talk to him about more pressing matters.

“Your mom? Cass?” He winced. “Officer Reynolds didn’t give me much information. He said you had something you needed to talk to me about.”

“I do.” I grabbed hold of Xander’s hand and perched myself on the edge of the bed. “Baby, just listen and if you want me to leave and never come back, I’ll understand.” I trailed my fingers down the tattoo of the woman with the brilliant blue eyes on his arm, encased by the lion’s head before pulling out Lily’s locket. “The guy who killed Lily was my mom’s boyfriend.”

I watched Xander’s eyes widen as I let go of my grip and dropped the locket into the palm of his hand.

“Cass had all the details revealed to her by my mom. She was on a vendetta. She blames you for losing the love of her life,” I choked back. “Thisguy…” I seethed. “He had an obsession with your sister.” Xander nodded for me to continue. “Because Lily wouldn’t give him the time of day, the respect he wanted and ultimately her, he took drugs and got high, swaying away at the concert.”

“The coroner reported he had a lethal mix of drugs that would make him hallucinate in his system.” Xander’s eyes filled with unshed tears.

“My mom believes that if your security guard that day had let him see her, given into his requests, he’d still be here and she’d still have his love and not be a hollow shell. She came after you…”

“Because I’d found happiness again and she hadn’t,” he mumbled, shocking me by grabbing my wrist and pulling me closer as I winced.

“Xander… I understand. My mom…”

“Charlotte, shut up and just kiss me,” Xander demanded as my body leaned over and gently covered his mouth before pulling back. “I could have lost you today… I could have.”

“You didn’t though,” I exclaimed. “We are both fine. Maybe a bit bruised and battered, but we’re both fine.”

“I’m not going anywhere Charlotte, do you understand that?” Xander uttered.

“I’m not either, baby.” He closed his eyes, battling against sleep. “Just sleep now. I’ve got you.”



Two weeks later

I’d never been so glad to behome. Charlotte’s house; our house.

I hated the constant beeps of all the machines that surrounded me and the nurses who had to check my vitals constantly through the night. I should’ve left the hospital earlier but I had a slight hiccup, maybe slightly bigger from the doctors viewpoint. The wound became infected and I needed IV medication to treat the area and fast. I’d never seen Charlotte so relieved when they said I was finally fighting back. I’d always fight back for her.

I had time to digest the news about Miriam. I couldn’t believe that shock twist with her boyfriend but it made perfect sense with how the hate letters began turning more sinister and changed to involving the pair of us. I understood how matters of the heart could affect better judgement and the pain that was yearning inside of her, how it ate away like a flesh-eating bug but lashing out against myself didn’t dismiss what she’d done. She’d tried to destroy and take people’s lives; her daughter’s life and that was beyond forgiveness in my eyes.

Cass had done the right thing and helped the police, realizing what she’d done but the damage had already been done. She’d destroyed the bond between us all and fractured a chance of being a part of our lives at the moment. In time, I may heal, I may feel different but that would always be a conversation in which Charlotte and I would have together. We would be a united force that stands together; one that I needed to solidify since that night and would’ve done on that fateful night if things hadn’t gone the way they did.

This afternoon was a get-together, the first since I’d officially moved in and the first since I’d been home. Travis, Barrett and Memphis were all here making themselves at home, grabbing iced beers to quench their thirst from the fridge. I could feel the sweat beginning to gather as it leaked from my pores onto my skin. I was so nervous. I shook my head at the offer of a beer from Memphis.

He raised his brow in question. “You okay?” he asked.

I rubbed my hands up and down my arms and took in a deep breath. “I will be. I just need to calm myself,” I stated as I watched Charlotte waltz into the room and take my breath away with her hair pinned back away from her face and the tight denim shorts teamed with a crop top. I was lost in her beauty.