Page 38 of Shield My Heart

“It’s just got to me today about Cass.” I closed my eyes for a second, not wanting Xander to see the bubbled-up emotions that I was hiding beneath my eyelids. I blinked rapidly, trying to hide the tears that threatened to spill down my cheeks. “I knew that I needed to be cautious, but I just didn’t expect it to be her.”

“Kitten, I know but the thing that we have to take from this is that we’re one step closer to taking down these fuckers. I know it hurts. I mean, Cass has been in my life for so many years. It makes me doubt so much of the relationship she had with Lily…” He trailed his thumb under my eyes and gathered the fallen tear I didn’t know had even hit my cheek.

“I didn’t even think how this must be affecting you,” I admitted, feeling like a complete bitch. “Do you think she had anything to do with Lily’s death?” I asked, rubbing my hands over Xander’s back, hoping that it soothed him as he placed a kiss against my lips.

I didn’t realize how much I needed that connection as I pulled him back toward me and forced my mouth against his lips, deepening the kiss.

“No.” He pulled away. “I don’t think Cass had anything to do with Lily’s death, kitten. It was a guy who had been obsessed with Lily for years. He wanted time alone with her, but he had a jealous girlfriend at the time who forbade him to attend the show.” I pulled Xander against me and smiled as he laid his head against my chest, listening to my heart. “The security team revealed that he had begged for a backstage pass and he had been denied. That’s when he threatened Lily with his gun but he took it too far. He was riled up; had taken drugs and they must have hit his system as he pulled the trigger and…”

“It was too late,” I said, finishing the sentence for him. “Lily was gone.”

Xander nodded as I stroked my fingers through his hair.

“The bastard took his own life and the girlfriend, well I never even heard from her. I felt sorry for her, if I’m honest,” he said.

“She never made contact?”

“No, so I don’t think Cass had anything to do with it. If anything, she was a mess. She was always trying to support me but…” He blew a breath out before lifting his head up to gaze at my reaction. “I pushed her away.” He paused for a moment. “Do you think that she’s been obsessed with me since all the way back then?” he asked in shock before he rolled over onto his side and gathered me in his arms.

“I do,” I honestly said. “But the bitch has no chance because I’m yours and you’re mine, Xander Hutton, but I think you may need to remind me…” I giggled as Xander lifted his brow.

“Fuck yes, you were a torturous kitten all day. Do you know how much restraint it took not to fuck you hard in that changing room knowing that all those assistants would hear your moans and screams that I’d pulled from the depths of your throat?” Xander gripped the edge of my sundress and inched it up my body as I lifted my hips and arms to help him to remove it. “Instead, I had to deal with business whilst my cock wept, desperate to be deep inside of you.”

“I can guess…” I winked as I licked my lips and reached for Xander’s pants, undoing them as quickly as I could. “Are you going to show me how much you want me now? Make me numb to all other thoughts apart from your cock pounding in between my pussy and driving me to blissed ecstasy?”

“Your wish is my command. Open those legs princess because I’m going to fill you so full that your voice will be hoarse from screaming my name.”

“Yes, Xander,” I purred, teasing him.

“That’s right, kitten. Great practice, but I want it louder. I want my ears ringing. You naughty, naughty girl.”

* * *

Xander kept his promise and fucked me so hard that I couldn’t process my thoughts. I needed that. My pussy being so filled and aching full of our releases that it was a chore to move. It was a reminder of how good the pair of us were together and what a perfect combination we are. I just laid and stared at the light fitting, lost in this perfect moment with Xander’s fingers toying with my nipples and listening to our breaths return to some normality.

“You know I said I had some information,” Xander mumbled at my side, making me blink quickly and shake my head. How had I forgotten?That’s right, his monster cock.“Barrett spoke to Travis and let drop about the party. He said you’d be in dressing room eight. The opposite end. I know the suspicion of him being involved now is minimal…”

“But Cass was talking to someone. It could be Travis,” I reasoned, knowing deep down I couldn’t let my guard down. “Nothing is certain, is it?”

“Nope.” Xander flicked my nipple as the peak pebbled. “Memphis also arranged a meeting at The Avenue tomorrow. He’s ensuring everything is prepared and ready for Saturday.”

“Like what?” I asked. I ran my hands down his side, enjoying the groan I forced from his lips. “You know how hard you make it to concentrate?”

“Well, you need to get used to that. How are you going to cope on Saturday?” I joked, slapping his pectoral muscle as he grabbed my wrist and moaned like he’d be wounded.

“Like a jealous, possessed boyfriend. Does that work with you?” He kissed my knuckles on my right hand before I slipped my forefinger into his mouth and he sucked it hard, keeping his darkened gaze pinpointed on mine. I smirked. “Fucking temptress.”

“And you love it. I can’t wait to see you keep that anger all contained whilst dressed up in a penguin suit.” I laughed. “Maybe I’ll be the jealous one.”

“We’ll see, won’t we?”

Everything was coming together exactly how I’d planned it to. I was determined to tick each item off my list, just as if I was undertaking a simple task as doing the weekly grocery run. I needed to keep my cool because the moment I got flustered, that’s when there was room for error and none of us could afford that. Lives and hearts were on the line.

Xander even informed me how Barrett had also slipped a couple of discreet photographs of the two of us together kissing to hit the newspapers tomorrow. I knew it meant that the reporters would be on our tails, desperate to grab a scoop. A media frenzy but one in which helped in our cause ensuring the stalker would be caught and we’d take our destiny into our own hands.

I just had to get through the remainder of the week ahead, give the most award winning display of acting I’m capable of both in front of the camera and behind it until Saturday rolled around and the real show began.
