Page 37 of Shield My Heart

I watched Charlotte as she shrugged her shoulders and I walked back over.

“The fit was great on a couple. The colors just drained me.”

“I love this one, kitten.” I held it up for her to see, watching her eyes sparkling as she took in the daisies and tulle over the deep red background. “I think it’ll really pop. You really suit red.”

“I agree.” Cass nodded while keeping her eyes set on me. “I don’t have a clue what to pick. Everything is so…”

“Stunning,” Charlotte interrupted, taking the dress from my hands and holding it against her figure as she admired herself in the full length of the mirror. “I think there’s too many options.”

“Too expensive, more like. I’d be scared I’d catch a thread and lose some beading off one or heaven forbid, get the zip caught in the fabric as I did it up and snag the material. Could you imagine?” Cass mocked as I turned around and saw Francine appear at Charlotte’s side with an ensemble of matching accessories to finish her look.

“Grab them all. I’ll pay.” I grinned, loving the rosy cheeks and genuine smile she held. It was the first I’d seen of the day and I’d try and capture it for as long as possible, especially with that backstabber only stood across from us. The sooner I got Charlotte alone the better, I thought to myself as I flicked through the dresses and settled on one that I knew would certainly not be great for her figure. It would show of a bit too much skin for my liking, rather than the subtly Charlotte pulled off. “How about this?”

“You think it would suit me?” Cass widened her eyes as she took the garment I’d picked. “Charlotte?”

I watched as Charlotte’s gaze took in what I’d picked out for Cass as she held it up against her body and took a twirl, her jaw clenching like she was debating what she wanted to say. It also made me wonder if she was biting the inside of her cheek to stop herself from laughing. I couldn’t help it. I wasn’t having her outshine my woman. She was the star of the event. Always would be in my eyes and the gorgeous dress that graced her curves would just highlight it even more so.

“I think it’s definitely the right choice. Hasn’t Xander got amazing taste?” Charlotte ran her hand up my chest as I watched the fire burning in Cass’s eyes before she quickly turned on her heel and headed after Francine. “I think we better get this paid for and then get these invites sent out,” she muttered, knowing that she was taunting me in public and enjoying every damn second of it.

I’d make her pay for teasing my cock so much later. There was only so much I could resist before I had to let go and make her see she was playing with fire. I just didn’t realize how blind I’d been not to notice Cass’s attraction to me all this time. It shocked me as I was good at judging people’s thoughts. Or was she playing the long game and realized that Charlotte and I had overheard her talking earlier? I didn’t know but I wasn’t taking a single risk in finding out. I could wait until the party to finish this.

“I think he really has,” Cass whispered quietly before finding her voice. “Charlotte, did you decide on your final list?”

“Oh, yeah. I’m going to invite everyone listed. It’s a big enough venue. No point in holding back, hey!” Charlotte stated

Charlotte smiled sweetly, watching Cass as she flicked her hair over her shoulder at the register as Francine began to wrap each item in luxurious tissue paper and seal with little mini violet logos. It was all about the details. She placed the items in the famous lilac striped bags and sealed the tops before handing the individual bags to each of the women. I wasn’t having that. I was here to protect Charlotte but fuck if I couldn’t carry my girl’s bags as I swiped them from her hands.

“I’ll take yours too Cass. I assume you’ll be getting ready with Charlotte on Saturday?” I asked, offering my hand out for the bags. “It makes sense.”

I don’t miss the air of hesitation spread across Cass’s features before she nodded and passed me her bags.

“It does. Otherwise who’ll get her make-up spot on?” Cass chuckled before heading to the door. “I have an appointment I need to get to but I’ll see you tomorrow, Charlotte.”

“Absolutely.” She waved goodbye, thanking us for the dress before quickly leaving through the boutique door as we grabbed each other’s hand. I gave the assistants a tip for their gracious help and support, even though Charlotte said she’d happily pay it and pulled her into my side. I rubbed the bridge of my nose and realigned my frames on my nose before opening the door.

“Cass said she had a free day today, didn’t she?” I mumbled against her ear as Charlotte shivered against my touch.

“Yep, she did.” She sighed. “Yep.”

“Let’s go home and fill the others in, shall we?” I kissed the top of her head and hated how defeated she seemed.

“Home sounds perfect.”



Iknew someone close to me would be involved. It was a certainty. It just didn’t make the realization of discovering who the person is any easier, especially when it’s someone you’ve trusted so much in your life. It was a stab to my heart but I couldn’t allow myself to drown in the pain yet because after hearing that part of the conversation with Cass’s mystery helper, I had to keep my wits about me. She wasn’t working alone. I knew that for a fact.

Xander thought about trying to find a way of seeking a call trace from his friends down at the station but then that would mean explanations that we didn’t want to give. At the end of the day, he’d already pulled a favor in by getting his friend to help us and be on standby, ready for Saturday. I just couldn’t comprehend why Cass would want to cut me even deeper than she already had and ensure that someone else was involved in her sick, twisted games.

I was on a mindfuck, runaway train that I wanted to escape from now whilst I still had the chance to but there was nowhere to go.

“Kitten, are you okay?” Xander asked when he noticed I had disappeared and not returned back to the living room after he’d called Barrett and Memphis on their secure lines to fill them in on what happened today. “I’m sorry. The guys had some information…”

“Information.” My ears perked up at that. “What information?”

“Kitten, I’m not telling you that until you talk to me. What’s going through that pretty head of yours?” Xander uttered as he crawled onto the bed. The mattress springs creaked as he flipped me onto my back and straddled my waist before he moved my brown luscious locks away from my face and behind my ear.