Page 99 of Rescued

"I don't want to share you with anyone," she objectedquietly.

"You know we're gonna have to leave here sometime. Life goes on. You have awards to receive. Movies tomake."

"I'd give it all up to stay here withyou."

Ryder was frustrated. "I thought you said you were happy with the plan to sneak away and spend a few days together every fewmonths."

"Happy isn't the right word. Am I relieved that you're not gonna walk out of my life, never to be seen again? Sure. But I'll never be happy about having to hide what we have together. About having to settle for just a few stolen days every fewmonths."

"Baby, it's the best I can offer right now. I'm going to work night and day to eliminate the threat against us so we can be together the way we both want to be. But until my enemies are dead, this is the best I canpromise."

"Why can't we talk on the phone? Or Skype? Eventext."

"Those aren't secure channels. I'm having an encrypted device brought over from Langley tomorrow morning before you leave. We can't use it for daily chitchat, but you will be able to use it to contact me. To leave me a message that I'll get and return as soon as I can safely communicate. And don't forget, we can both route messages through Davidson and Cartwright. They've offered tohelp."

"I'm not going to pass love-notes through Jaxson and Chase. It all feels so highschoolish."

"I'm not crazy about it either. I mean it's not like I can pass along the message of how much I love you and miss fucking you until your who-ha getssore."

A sad smile crinkled the tiny wrinkles at the corners of her gorgeouseyes.

He pressed her again. "Listen. The club is open tonight. Let's go down andplay."

She hugged him tighter, wrapping her legs around his back as he pressed his growing cock against her sore snatch. "I want to stay here and keep you tomyself."

"And I want to string you up and flog you until you're on fire forme."

"Sadist," she accused with agrin.

"Guilty ascharged."

She wiggled beneath him, making his shaft easily slide through her wetness. "We don't need to go downstairs for me to be on fire foryou."

A pang of sheer adoration squeezed at his heart as he looked down into the playful eyes of the woman he loved. He pushed down his own sadness at the thought of having to go months before they'd be togetheragain.

He needed to get control. For both ofthem.

He barked his order as he rolled off Khloe, pulling her along until he could slap her on the ass as he instructed her, "To the shower. We're going downstairs toplay."

Khloe scrambled to her feet, giggling as she got away from his pinching fingers. Her "Yes, sir," went straight to hiscock.

Christ, how the hell am I going to walk away from hertomorrow?

* * *

It was still earlyby club standards, but Ryder was restless to get downstairs. You'd think a man who was used to being penned up for days on undercover surveillance missions wouldn't be going stir crazy, particularly considering he'd had Khloe's perfect body to keep him company for the last three days. But he knew the truth. The sooner he left, the sooner Vladimir, Oleg and especially Artel Volkov would meet their maker. Only then, would the weight of knowing he was putting the woman he loved in danger by being in her presence belifted.

Maybe then I'll be able to turn on my car without wondering if that was the day I'd goboom.

He knew Khloe was against going downstairs. She'd extended their joint shower by slipping to her knees and sucking his rod down her throat like a Goddamn pro. He both loved and hated how she had the power to weaken his resolve. The second the tip of his shaft jammed against the back of her throat, he'd lost all willpower to slow things down and save it for BlackLight.

Even now, she was still in the bathroom primping, applying her dozens of creams to the hairline wrinkles around hereyes.

As if to prove to himself that he could control his own emotions, he reached for his encrypted phone, turning it on for the first time in two days. He'd allowed the police to come and ask them questions that first twenty-four hours, but then they'd both gone dark, shutting the rest of the world out as they'd hidden in Davidson's safehouse.

His tension level grew with each ding of his phone, announcing he had over a half-dozen voicemail messages. Then the texts started arriving. He forced himself to read and listen to themall.

There were updates from Axel. Requests for more meeting time from the D.C. police. But the majority were escalating messages from his boss, Webster. They'd started arriving two days agowith: