Page 98 of Rescued

She'd been trying to hold back her tears, but as soon as his arms enveloped her, Khloe clung to him with all of her might, letting the cocktail of emotions overcome her as she realized the case wassolved.

"Shhh. It's all over now, baby," Rydercomforted.

The pent up sob she'd been holding back wailed from her as she agonized, "That's exactly what I'm worriedabout!"

Chapter 25

Khloe squirmed in his arms.They were both restless. That happened when you've been holed-up in the same room for threedays.

"Why are you such a wiggle-butt?" Ryder pulled her against his chest, letting her crawl on top of him as their sticky, naked bodies meldedtogether.

Khloe giggled. "I was lying in another wet spot. We seriously need to change these sheets. I'll be mortified if Jaxson, Chase and Emma see how many cum stains there are. We may need to buy themreplacements."

Ryder agreed. They'd put the round bed in their friends' loft through its paces. Three days and nights of nearly non-stop sex does that. The only other activities they'd allowed to breach their self-imposed fortress was sleeping, eating and talking into the wee hours of thenight.

"Can't we stay hereforever?"

She'd asked that question a half-dozen times already. He was losing his patience. Ryder was too practical to entertain such fairytaleideas.

"Khloe..." he warned, using his best Dom voice that had her burrowing into hisneck.

She persisted, "But whynot?"

"You know why not. We've discussed it. The only way for us to really be together the way we want to is to make sure my enemies areneutralized."

He'd had plenty of downtime to berate himself over his stupidity of leaving the Volkov fortress without putting a bullet into the head of every Volkov man. He was a realist. He didn't often waste valuable thinking time on regret, but there was no other way to describe his present state ofmind.

He regretted leaving the Volkov brothers breathing. How different his life would be if only he'd ended their lives before rescuing the Marshalls. He knew there was no knowing if he'd have been successful at escaping had he alerted the guards with gunfire, but he'd wasted enough time thinking about it. He needed to start focusing on how he'd get back inside long enough to do thedeed.

Khloe hugged him tighter, objecting to his next mission. "But that sounds too dangerous. I can't let you put yourself in jeopardyagain."

She didn't understand. It was what he'd been trained to do. Neutralizing threats against the United States of America was his life's work. Extinguishing anything that might threaten her safety, his newmission.

He tried to change the subject. "Anyway, we're both getting a little bit stir-crazy. Next time we get together I'll be sure to find us a hideout where we can get outside some. Maybe a little beach cabana away fromcivilization?"

The closer they got to saying their good-byes, the more he tried to talk about the next time they'd see each other. He told himself it was to keep Khloe calm, but he knew it was for himself, too. The thought of saying good-bye to her the next morning when she needed to fly out to the London release party forDirty Businessleft him feeling empty. He dreaded the moment when he'd have to hand her security back over to McLean and walk away. He was grateful they had a trusted bodyguard to protect her, but it was nearly impossible to push down the anger and jealousy he felt at not being able to be the one to watch over the woman heloved.

Khloe's left hand traced light circles around his exposed nipple, playfully stroking him as she giggled. "Honestly, I do think my who-ha could use a bit of abreak."

He chuckled, teasing her back. "Aw, poor baby. Are you gettingsore?"

She lifted her hand to slap him playfully. "Having wild, crazy, monkey sex for three days straight will do that to agirl."

Ryder pounced, rolling them quickly to the middle of the bed, pinning his princess beneath him as he used his body weight to press her into the plushmattress.

"I know how to solve this problem." He grinned. "I clearly haven't been using your other body parts sufficiently if your who-ha is too sore. I think it's time to spread the soreness to that puckered ass of yours. Then I can face fuck you to make sure you have a sore-throat to remember me by tomorrow on yourflight."

He watched her pupils dilate with a dash of desire and a touch of fear at his dirtypromise.

"Don't worry. Those body parts are already sufficiently achy." Was it possible that she was blushing? After all of the kinky shit they'd done together, it amazed him that the woman responsible for his three-day hard-on could still come off as aninnocent.

"I'm making sure you'll have something to remember me by while you're walking the red carpet in London. I wouldn't want you to forgetme."

"Like that could happen." Tears sprung into her expressive eyes. He'd let her cry it out several times already. It was time for her to start gathering her strength for their comingseparation.

"Enough tears. No wallowing. If you want to cry, we're going to need to go downstairs to Black Light where I can give you something to cryabout."

He loved the way her eyes widened with surprise at his words. He could tell she wastempted.