Despite the flight attendant's evil eye from the galley, he leaned to his right to nudge Trevor across the aisle. "Hey." He waited for the bodyguard to take his earbud out before continuing. "I'm not going to be able to travel through the airport with you guys. I'll follow behind about twenty-five feet, watching your six. You take her straight to the limo. I'll wait inside and pick up the checked bags and then meet you at thecurb."
Trevor nodded at the plan, but then added, "When are you gonna level with me about who you reallyare?"
"You know what you need toknow."
"Bullshit. I get the impression nothing scares you, yet being seen in public with Khloe clearly terrifiesyou."
The guard wasn't wrong. "The less you know the better. Just make Khloe's safety your toppriority."
"It always has been, which is more than I can say foryou."
"What's that supposed tomean?"
"You talk a big game, but I think you're just here for the booty call. Don't think I don't know why she's slept the whole way here. The walls at your house aren't thatthick."
"Will you two stop it? I'm not sure the people back in coach can hear you." Khloe's sleepy admonishment coincided with her pushing to a sitting position, stretching her aching muscles. He suspected she was pretty sore considering the workout he'd put herthrough.
Ryder leaned back into his own seat, enjoying watching Khloe's ritual as she prepared herself to walk out onto the public stage after they landed. Light makeup and lipstick was applied. Her long hair was brushed and pulled back in a high ponytail. The flight attendant delivered an unordered protein bar and energy drink on a tray, the anorexic's go-tomeal.
Damned if she didn't even have the airlines trained to support her unhealthyhabits.
She smiled victoriously as she took a small bite of the low-calorie bar. He'd let her win this round in public, looking forward to the rematch behind closeddoors.
The landing was uneventful. Traveling with a celebrity did have its perks as they were escorted off the plane first. Khloe pulled a pair of sunglasses from her big bag as they walked the jet way, getting into the zone for her dash to the limo. Even though he couldn't see her eyes behind the glasses, he felt her tense as he pulled them to a stop long enough to release the waist he'd been holding and hand over her arm to Trevor before they exited thetunnel.
"Where are you going?" shequestioned.
"I'll be right behind you. I want to watch the crowd. I promise, I'll be making sure nothing hurtsyou."
It was the truth. Not the whole truth, but the truthnonetheless.
She looked hurt at his rebuff, but let Trevor lead her out through the throng of passengers waiting to board the plane at the gate. He hung back far enough that he easily heard the voices whispering, "Hey, I think that's Khloe Monroe." And, "Wow, she's even more beautiful in person than inpictures."
The trip through the arrival hall was uneventful. He texted with Trevor and the limo service, observing until Trevor and Khloe were safely ensconced in the back of the car before going back to the luggagecarousel.
Ryder kept his own dark glasses on, trying to throw off facial-recognition software that he knew was snapping photos of all travelers. Each waiting passenger was evaluated by his trained eye, looking for threats and relieved when he foundnone.
Once he had her bag, he stopped outside the exit long enough to pull his pistol from the checked luggage, securing it in his shoulder holster. He then zigzagged his way to their location, stopping several times to turn and check hissix.
You really are turning into one paranoid bastard,Helms.
Finally, confident it was safe, Ryder hopped in the back of thelimo.
"What took you so long? Did they lose mybag?"
"Nope. Just slow today." He made eye contact with Trevor who was sitting opposite them on the bench seat facing backwards. He wished he'd remembered to tell the guard that he wanted thatseat.
"Don't worry. I'm watching," Trevor reassuredhim.
The bastard was on tohim.
"Watching for what?" Khloe asked, oblivious that the men were worried about atail.
Ryder answered with a hug, pulling her into his lap to distract her. "So I have asurprise."