She tried to laugh it off. "I barely knowhim."
"Yet you let him completely control you. Today on set, pulling you out of an active scene. Hell, even youreating."
"It's just how heis..."
"I see that. What bothers me is how you've reacted to it, not just letting him do it, but... you likeit."
"I'm tired, Trevor. I don't have the energy to fighthim."
"It's more than that. You seem less tired, not more, since he got here. You seem..." He hesitated, unsure if he should continue, but he did. "Calmer."
She certainly didn't feel calmer. But then she realized the only thing she wasn't calm thinking about was wondering when Ryder would leave her again. How she could be so upset over someone she barely knew, outside of his sexual prowess, didn't make sense toher.
"Don't ask me to explain it. I don't understand myself. All I know is..." She paused, trying to decide if she could say the words she could barely comprehend internally. "He makes me feel different. Like... not Khloe Monroe, the actress. JustKhloe."
He whistled. "You have itbad."
"I do not," she protested. "I'm just off-base isall."
"Analyzing me. I don't likeit."
"I'm not analyzing, although I am curious about who Ryder Helms really is. I haven't been able to dig up anything helpful atall."
"That's because I do my best to stay under the radar." Ryder's voice boomed from the doorway where he'd arrived undetected. She blushed, wondering how long he'd beenlistening.
Trevor seemed embarrassed, as well, at being caught doing a background check. "Hey, you're back." He reluctantly added, "Sorry for invading yourprivacy."
Ryder was moving closer, slowly, finally admitting, "I'd be disappointed if you hadn't. What kind of a personal bodyguard would you be, especially under the circumstances, if you didn't check out the new guy." He turned his attention to Khloe. "You look tired. Time for bed,baby."
"Excuse me? First eating and now you get to tell me when to go to bed?" Her pulse raced, in part because he was so near, but more because she remembered the things he'd done to her the night before in that waitingbed.
He was next to her when he answered, holding his hand out for her to latch onto for help standing. Only once she was on her feet, pulled into his open arms did he add, "If memory serves, I offered to control all things in yourlife."
She countered, flirting. "And I distinctly remember telling you you'd have to earnit."
"Ah yes, I do remember something like that. I guess you'll have to decide for yourself if you want to share my bed again tonight." The invitation was anything but innocent. Ryder held her against his chest, humping his body into hers in an age-olddance.
She was acutely aware that Trevor was a few feet away, watching their dynamic carefully. She bit back her reply, unwilling to egg him on with his overt advances even as his hands reached lower to cup her ass, feeling herup.
Self-conscious, she tried to make light of the sexual overtones. "I guess I am tired, and we'll have a long day tomorrow, so we should get somesleep."
Ryder may be talking against the shell of her ear, but she knew damn well he spoke loud enough for Trevor to hear his naughty challenge. "You can try to get some sleep, I guess, but I'm planning on being up most of the night." He lifted her feet off the ground, hugging her to him until she instinctively wrapped her legs around his torso as he started walking them towards the master bedroom. "I'll sleep on theplane."
Chapter 19
"I'm sorry,sir, but we'll need to wake up Ms. Monroe. The captain has put on the fasten seatbelt sign for our descent into Reagan National. You'll need to get her buckledin."
Ryder'd been dozing off himself. While he didn't look forward to the trip from the airport, it would be good to get settled for the night behind locked doors again. Being in public with the threats against Khloe made him jumpy enough, but knowing the Volkov's hitmen were out there combing the world for him and that Washington D.C. would be one of the first cities they looked, he was on edge more thannormal.
He had planned to fly separate until that ticking package had been sent to her parents' house. After that, there was no way in hell he'd allow her to travel withouthim.
He looked down at the sleeping woman who was stretched across the plush first-class seating, using his lap as her pillow as he stroked her silky hair. The poor baby had been exhausted this morning when they left for the airport. He should feel guilty for keeping her up half the night, but he didn't. Not in the slightest. With hyperawareness, he knew their time together was short. He was determined to make every momentcount.