Page 23 of Judging Julia


“Rise and shine, babygirl.”

Groaning at the far-too-chipper voice, Julia rolled onto her side, yanking the covers up over her head. “Too early.”

“It’s nearly eight, Julia. You slept for almost twelve hours. Time to get up.”

The information was enough of a shock to have her sitting straight up and opening her eyes just enough to squint up at him. “Twelve hours?”


“Why on Earth would you let me sleep so long?”

“Obviously you needed it. Get up and use the potty and brush your teeth so we can get you dressed for the day.”

Dread settled like a rock in her stomach. Despite the reprieve he’d given her the night before, she had no doubt today would hold more punishments. “Don’t wanna.”

“Too bad. Up and at ‘em, little girl.”

With another loud groan, she threw off the covers and dragged herself to the bathroom to do as he’d instructed, along with brushing out the mass of tangles her hair had become as she’d slept and pulling the long locks up into a ponytail.

When she emerged from the bathroom, he was seated on the edge of her bed, another fluffy dress and set of knee-high socks laid out beside him.

“Ugh. Do I have to wear that?”


Her sigh was overly exaggerated, but it didn’t earn her so much as an eyebrow raise. Moving to the spot in front of him, she stood stoically as he maneuvered her like a doll, removing her pajamas and dressing her in the ridiculous dress and matching socks.

There was, however, one glaring difference from her outfit the day before. “No underwear?”

“Not today. I realized I like the idea of you bare beneath your dress so I can touch and taste you whenever I please.”

His gaze raked over her, hot and possessive as he spoke, and she could swear it was as if he were actually touching her. Little fires popped up all over her skin, and her breath seemed trapped in her lungs. She barely managed a strangled “Oh” in response.

“Let’s go get some breakfast, and we can discuss our plans for the day.”

Slipping her hand into his, she followed along silently as he led the way down the stairs. Once again, she found herself seated at the kitchen table while he puttered around the kitchen.

“Oatmeal?” She couldn’t seem to keep herself from wrinkling her nose in disgust as she watched him measure out the oats to dump into the pot of boiling water on the stove.

“It’s good for you.” Was it her imagination or was his tone slightly defensive, as if she’d offended his family’s honor?

“I guess. Can we at least put some brown sugar in it?”

“Ahh, sure. I think I have some around here. But just a little bit.”

“What about maple syrup?”


Rolling her eyes at the warning note in his voice, she leaned back against her chair. “What? That’s the only way to make oatmeal palatable.”

“Adding a bunch of sugar defeats the purpose of a healthy breakfast.”

“It’s not a ton of sugar and syrup is natural! If it was bad for you, God wouldn’t have made it.”

The look he sent her was stern, but he wasn’t quick enough to hide the twitch of his lips. “I think your logic might be a bit faulty there, little one. There are plenty of things found in nature that are bad for you.”