Page 22 of Judging Julia



Asleepy, satiated Julia might just be the prettiest thing he’d ever seen.

Sitting in the tub, her head back against the rim, eyes closed and a sweet smile lifting the corners of her lips, she was downright gorgeous. And the way she playfully batted at the bubbles filling the tub, even with her eyes closed, was fucking adorable.

If he could keep her here, just like this, he was pretty sure he could die a happy man. It really was too bad she was so adamant about not wanting to be Little. How was he supposed to just step aside and let her walk out of his life at the end of the weekend?

Pushing aside the unpleasant thought, he picked up the washcloth he’d dropped in the tub with her and slathered it with body wash. When he nudged her arms up, she let out a little whine that made his heart do a slow roll in his chest.

“Sorry, baby. We’re almost done. Can you get up on your knees so Daddy can get your bottom nice and clean?”

One eyelid lifted, the look she sent him decidedly full of suspicion. “You just wanna play with my butt.”

He couldn’t help but laugh at the accusation in her tone. “In my defense, it is a very cute butt.”

“Nuh uh. Too skinny.”

“You are not. You’re perfect.”

She let out a disbelieving snort but rolled to her hands and knees as instructed. “When was the last time you had your eyes checked?”

Swapping the washcloth to his left hand, he laid down two hard swats to her wet, pink bottom.

“Ouch! What was that for?” Awake now, she twisted her neck to glare at him over her shoulder.

“Putting yourself down. And unless you’re looking to find out how my hairbrush feels on a wet bottom, you’ll cut it out right now.”


It took until a silent count of ten to rein in his temper before he spoke again. “I’m going to let that slide because you’re overtired right now. But I will not be so lenient the next time you put yourself down.”

To save them both further frustration, he finished up her bath without lingering. Wrapped up in a fluffy teal towel, she followed him to the bedroom where he crouched by the dresser and opened the bottom drawer.

When they’d agreed to this weekend, he’d gotten some measurements from her and ordered enough clothes for a few days, including a pair of pajama pants, shorts, and a handful of t-shirts with cute sayings printed across the front.

“What do you want to wear to bed, babygirl?”


That was perfectly fine as far as he was concerned. It made his Daddy heart more than happy to pick out her clothes for her. He pulled out the shorts and a baby pink shirt with Yes, Daddy? printed on the front in bold block letters.

Pulling the towel from her lithe body, he ignored the way his cock jumped at her naked form as he helped her into her pajamas. If he had his way, there would be plenty of time to savor the sight of her later. But right now, he had a very sleepy little girl to tuck into bed.

By the time she was under the covers, her eyes had drifted shut again and her breathing was deep and even.

He indulged himself, brushing a few damp tendrils of hair from her face as she slept. “Sweet dreams, babygirl,” he whispered, leaning down to press a soft kiss to her cheek.

Forcing himself to leave the room, he switched the lights off behind him. His room was just across the hall, but he was too wound up to even consider sleep. Instead, he made his way back downstairs to his office.

Their conversation while washing dishes had plagued him all night. Not only about learning her mother had passed, but the pain she’d tried to hide from him as she’d spoken of it. There was trauma there, and while it didn’t excuse what she’d done by any means, it might explain some of it.

After a quick check of the time, he pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed a familiar number.

“Rawhide Ranch.”

“Good evening. I know it’s late, but I was wondering if you could put me through to Dr. Denten, please.”