I blink up at her. “Why? Did he hear from Archer?”

“Not sure. He just said he was coming.”

I swallow hard at the possibility of Tyler knowing something. As soon as he walks in, I jump to my feet.

“Where is he?”

“Everleigh, relax please.”

“Tell me!” I snap. “If you know something, you can’t keep that from me.”

“He’s in Nevada with Liam.”

“What?” Gemma and I both gasp.

“How does he know Liam?” I ask.

“I gave Archer his number a while back. I told him if he was ever in any trouble that he could call him for help, so I guess he did.”

“What happened? Did Krystal do something?” I ask.

“I don’t know much, Ev. But it did have something to do with Krystal. I called Liam this morning, and that’s all he said. Promised he’d have Archer let me know when it was over.”

I narrow my eyes. “Whenwhatwas over?”

He shrugs. “Liam didn’t say.”

I pace the living room. “Why wouldn’t Archer tellme? Or bring me with him? I could’ve helped!”

“Krystal was threatening you and Annie to get to him. Honestly, I’m glad he chose to leave, or I would’ve had to step in,” Tyler states.

“What?” I ask, shocked. “How could you say that?”

“Because your life was in danger. Regardless of our friendship, you’re my sister, and I’ll always protect you.”

“I’m a grown-ass woman. I can defend myself. And that’s no excuse for him bailing on me. We could’ve done this together.” Tears surface again, but I don’t care. I could’ve lost Archer forever, and I’m pissed that he kept me out of the loop.

“He made his choice, Ev. You need to sit here and wait because this is the safest place for you right now. If I hear anything else, I’ll tell you, okay?” he says in his soft big brotherly tone. It irritates me even more.

“I think he’s right, babe,” Gemma chimes in. “Plus, Liam is the best at his job. Whatever they’re doing, Liam won’t half-ass it.”

I only know Liam through Tyler, so I don’t have a personal relationship with him, but he better make sure Archer returns in one piece.

Once I’ve settled back on the couch, we chat for a few more minutes before they leave for work. I glance at Sassy, and she gives me those sad puppy dog eyes as if she’s wondering where Archer is too.

“I can’t just sit here andwait,” I mutter to myself, reaching for my phone and searching for Maddie’s number.

Tyler met Liam in California years ago. When Liam started dating Maddie, my brother immediately knew we’d get along, so he gave her my number. We started casually talking, which led to phone calls and FaceTimes until, at some point, we were chatting weekly. After a while, we both got busy with life, but we still keep in touch. If anyone has information on Liam and Archer’s whereabouts, it’s her.

“Everleigh! Hey!” she answers.

“Where’s your husband?” I immediately ask, not in the mood for small talk.

“Uh, why?”

“Because he’s with my boyfriend, and no one can give me any info as to where he is.”

“Archer didn’t tell you where he was going?”