We go to the police station to provide the evidence with our statements. With the reports I filed in Lawton Ridge and the recordings from tonight, there’s enough to charge her.

“In the event she gets out on bail before the hearing, I’d suggest filing a temporary restraining order. That way, if she’s stupid enough to come near you again, she’ll get thrown back into jail,” Detective Gains explains.

“Definitely do that,” Liam interjects. “I’ve had a few guys come for me after bailing out. Not fun times.”

I’ll do whatever they suggest just to be safe. “The judge may have you return to testify, but you’ll be kept in the loop.” I shake the detective’s hand and thank him for helping.

“Sure thing. Liam’s been an integral part of us putting dozens of criminals back behind bars. It’s always nice when we can return the favor,” he states.

“Stop kissing his ass!” Huddy blurts out from his desk.

I enjoy hearing them give each other shit, but I hold back my laughter.

Gains hands over his card and says he’ll be in touch. Although this won’t be over until Krystal’s locked away permanently, I’ll sleep better knowing she’ll finally get what she deserves. No more threatening texts or creepy pictures of my sister and niece, and no more fucking with the woman I love.

“I should call Everleigh and Tyler, and tell them where I am so they don’t worry,” I tell Liam as he drives me back to the hotel. “I don’t know who I should be more concerned about—Tyler or Everleigh. I think they’re both gonna want to kill me.”

“Guess I should tell ya then. Tyler called me this morning and asked if I’d heard from you. I didn’t wanna lie, so I told him the truth. Let him know what we planned and that you’d call once it was over.”


“I can’t imagine he was happy.” I groan.

“Actually, he was. Said he had a suspicion you called me and wanted to make sure you were okay,” he explains.

“Wow. I’m glad he gave me your number. Couldn’t have done this without you.”

“No, you couldn’t have.” Liam laughs. “But it was fun.”

I choke-snort at his casual tone. “You and I have two totally different definitions of fun.”

He shrugs, then parks in front of the lobby entrance. “Probably. My wife won’t be happy to know I got shot, but she knew the risks of my job before she married me.”

“Well, tell her thanks for letting me borrow you,” I muse, getting out of his truck. “And seriously, thank you. I’d say I owe ya one, but after watching how you work, I’m a bit hesitant.”

Liam chuckles. “Don’t worry, man. A friend of Tyler’s is a friend of mine, and that earns you a freebie.”

We say goodbye, then I walk inside the hotel. I’m ready to fly home and hold Everleigh. That’s if she ever lets me get close after leaving her. I had to make sure that if I died, she knew how much I loved her and why I had to go.

A part of me is glad that Tyler checked up on me and knows where I am. Hopefully, that means he’s eased Everleigh’s mind so she doesn’t worry as much. I pull out my phone and type a quick text. I’ll call Annie in the morning to give her the news since it’s already late.

Archer: I’m safe. I’ll be home tomorrow.

I hit send, then scan the key card to my room.

Before I can flick on the lights, a body nearly tackles me.



I haven’t beenable to close my eyes for more than twenty minutes at a time. Every time I do, I see Archer. I called and texted him all night with no response. My heart hurts so damn much. The mixed emotions have made me sick to my stomach.

“You need to eat, sweetie,” Gemma tells me as I stay slumped on the couch with a piercing headache. I’ve barely moved since she and Katie left last night. “I brought you some food from the deli.”

“I’m not hungry,” I mutter as I stare at the wall.

“Try to eat it anyway,” she demands. “Tyler’s on his way over right now.”