“Matt,” Tyler calls out. “This is Archer.”

“Hey, man. Nice to meet you.” He shakes my hand with a firm grip. “You’re the boxer, right?”

I give him a curt nod. “Yep, that’s me.”

“Heard good things about ya.” His client walks in, and Matt excuses himself.

While I fill out my employment paperwork, Tyler answers a few membership questions from some locals. Once we’re both finished, he turns to me. “Wanna go out for lunch?”

“Sure,” I tell him, and we walk outside. After a few minutes, we cross an intersection and arrive at a building that looks like it was built in the 1950s.

“This is downtown in all its glory,” Tyler says.

I chuckle. “This is it? You said small town, but this is tiny.”

As soon as we enter, a bell dings above the door, and we’re quickly greeted by an older woman.

“Hey, Tyler,” she says, squeezing him tightly. “And Archer!”

She pulls me in next as if she’s known me my whole life. “We’re huggers ’round here. It’s nice to meet ya. I’m Belinda.”

“Oh yeah, Tyler told me about you. Nice to meet you too.”

“Hopefully all good things.” She winks and grabs two menus.

“It was!” Tyler confirms as she leads us over to a booth by the window.

“Today’s special is cowboy chili. Since the temperatures are startin’ to drop, it’s the perfect dish for fall,” she says. “Coffee?”

Tyler nods.

“Same for me.”

“Got it.” Belinda walks away with a hop in her step.

“She’s pretty awesome. You’ll probably see a lot of her since she’s dating Gemma’s dad,” he tells me, just before she returns with two steaming mugs.

“You’re comin’ to Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, right?” Belinda asks and notices my reaction, then turns to Tyler. “You haven’t invited him yet?”

He chuckles. “I was gettin’ to it. Gemma reminded me before I left this morning too.”

I speak up. “I’d like that. Thanks.”

Belinda instantly smiles again. “Good. You’re too cute to be sittin’ at home alone. Plus, I love to cook. Speakin’ of, do y’all know what you’re havin’ today?”

“I think I’m going with the special. Add onions and cheese, please,” Tyler says.

“Same,” I tell her.

“Great choice! It’ll be right up.” She turns and walks away.

“Sorry I didn’t mention Thanksgiving dinner earlier. It’s gonna be great, though. Belinda’s an excellent cook and loves to feed us. I’ve had to run several extra miles a week because of her.”

“She’s got spunk. I like her already.” I pick up my coffee and blow on it.

“Oh, just wait until you meet Gemma’s dad,” he says. “Jerry’s her perfect match.”

“I’m sure he is.”