“Want to try one?” Tyler asks.

“Sure. I can’t remember the last time I had a smoothie.”

“Oh, you haven’t everhada smoothie until you’ve tasted one of these.” Tyler smirks.

A younger woman who looks like she recently graduated high school is running the bar. There are a lot of options, and I can’t decide what I want.

“What’s your favorite?” I ask her and look down at her name tag. Raquel.

“Well, I really like the pumpkin cream or the classic strawberry banana.”

“Surprise me,” I say, and within a couple of minutes, she’s sliding a pink concoction across the countertop. I take a sip, and my tastebuds nearly explode in my mouth. “Wow.”

“Right!” Tyler eagerly nods as he leads me to the section of free weights and exercise machines. “We’re so damn busy during lunch because everyone wants smoothies and protein blends.”

“That’s awesome for you guys,” I add, nearly inhaling the magical drink in my hand.

“Yeah, it is. Really grateful.” Tyler waves a hand around the room. “This is the main area where people work out,” he explains before leading me to a secluded area.

“This is what I couldn’t wait to show you.” There’s a boxing ring and kickboxing bags with gloves and powder sitting against the wall. For the first time in years, I feel like I’m where I’m supposed to be.

I’m speechless as I take it all in.

“Incredible, isn’t it?”

“Hell yeah, it is! I can’t believe you have a full-sized ring in here.” I move forward, running my hand across the posts and ropes.

“Want to put on some gloves?” He walks over and grabs two pairs. “You have to put your weight on the floor and feel the bounce.”

I slip the gloves over my hands and swallow down my emotions. Boxing was one of the only things that saved me when I felt like I had nothing else in life. When we were cellmates, Tyler taught me everything he knew, and considering I wasn’t as experienced, it gave me something to look forward to. Throwing punches the correct way and learning how to read my opponent helped me so damn much.

I had a lot of internal anger to work through, and boxing helped with that.

Tyler puts on his gloves, and we step into the ring.

“Go easy on me. I haven’t boxed with someone else in a while,” I admit as he positions himself.

We throw a few jabs, and duck then punch, connecting with his cheek. The motion of it feels incredible. After a few staggered steps, Tyler laughs and connects with my jaw. After we’ve both taken a few hits, we come to a truce and call it quits.

“You’ve gotten faster on your feet, and your posture was perfect,” Tyler compliments.

“Thanks. I kept training after you left. Gave me something to focus on,” I admit.

“Which is exactly why I’d like you to start training others. We have a long-ass waiting list right now, and we can barely keep up with it. Of course, I’d start you off with some beginners who have no clue what they’re doing, but pretty soon, you’ll have more experience than me.”

“Really? You think I’m ready for that?”

“More than ready, Archer. You’ve been working on this for years.”

“Wow, I’m honored. I honestly would’ve cleaned the toilets if that’s what you needed.”

He pats my back. “And let all that talent go to waste? Hell no. This will be good for both of us. I’m glad you’re here.”

I nod with a grin. “Me too.”

“I was thinking next week you could start shadowing one of our other boxing coaches, Matt. He’ll be here in about thirty minutes.”

“Sounds like a solid plan,” I say as Tyler leads me to the locker room that has a steam room and hot tub. After the tour, a muscular guy with broad shoulders enters.