Page 18 of Savaged

Although, one day soon, I won’t be able to hide anymore and then I’ll have to make them all see that I’m more than capable of taking care of her. I’ll show everyone that I can be her everything and she’ll fall at my feet and beg me to be hers.

“I don’t think we should be making these decisions without Alissa. She’s likely to dig her heels in and do the opposite of what we want if we do. She’s quite stubborn like that.” Rubbing the back of my neck, I move away from the others until I’m standing beside the window. I can’t believe I admitted to having feelings for her. I barely know her, but what I do know is enough to have me falling far faster than I ever thought possible. She’s kind and caring, adventurous and outspoken without being rude or cruel. She’s powerful and self-reliant yet knows when to ask for help even when it hurts her pride. She’s an amazing woman and I’d be stupid not to have begun falling for her.

Yet there’s something that’s holding me back from pursuing her. I know what it is, I just don’t want to admit it, cause if I do then I’ll be admitting that my own brother is a rival. I don’t think I could ever compare to him. He’s everything I’m not and yet the very thought of stepping aside for his sake makes my chest hurt.

I knew from the moment I met her that she’d be trouble, I just didn’t realise how much trouble she’d cause.

“Fine, let’s go ask her what she wants. Settle this matter once and for all.” That asshole Prince is acting as though he’s in charge, I hate him for it, yet strangely I find myself admiring the fact that he’s able to stand his ground so strongly. I wish I had the courage to just stand up and stake my claim, but after the way I’ve treated her, after what she did when I kissed her… I’m just not sure she feels the way I do.

That kiss… It was something else. I’ve never felt anything like that with anyone. That moment when our lips touched, it felt like my entire world had narrowed to just the feeling of her lips. It was just her and me. I want to feel that again. I’m going to feel that again, I don’t care what it takes, I won’t give up on this. I will make her mine.

How though? She doesn’t seem to be the kind of woman who would be interested in going out on the typical dates. Maybe she’d let me take her to the next race.


If I took her to a race she’d want to be in the race and I can’t let her race again, it’s far too dangerous. Of course she’s shown just how adept she is behind the wheel so would it really be that bad to allow her to race again. Maybe I could take her to a special race event, one where I can control the risks. If I got-.

“Kal, Are you coming upstairs with us?” My brother asks, interrupting my thoughts.

“No, I think too many of us up there would make her uncomfortable. I’ll stay here and wait.” And plan how I’m going to win her over.Sorry brother but if you do have feelings for her, you’re going to have to fight me. I’m going to make her mine.The words don’t leave my mouth as much as I wish I could say something like that, but the truth of the matter is, I never thought I’d be going against my brother in anything, he’s better at everything than me. She’s worth it though.

“You’re plotting something.” It’s not a question. I groan in frustration; my brother has always known me far too well. I watch him closely for a moment, questioning whether it’s truly possible that my brother likes Alissa? Not that he’d be able to act on those feelings, he’s her teacher after all. I mean Vampires don’t usually adhere to those kinds of restrictions but he does have to abide by the human’s rules. Even if he did desire to be involved with Alissa, they’d have to keep it a secret from everyone until she graduated. Would either of them be willing to deal with that kind of pressure?Ugh why am I thinking like this, I want her to be mine not my brother’s. Although, I wonder if she’d be interested in-. Of course she wouldn’t. No, she’ll bemine.

“I’m not plotting, I’m just thinking about this week’s race.” I can’t keep getting lost in my head, I’m missing half the conversations around me and Wez is starting to become more suspicious if the look he’s giving me is any indication. “I’m trying to decide how we’re going to structure the next race since we won’t have the previous winner sitting in poll position.”

Wez smiles a smile I’ve never seen before. It’s almost wistful. “Ah yes, we can’t have our dear Miss Collis in poll position when she’s not able to continue racing, but perhaps we should allow her to race, she has shown she’s more than capable and we could manage the risks by increasing the security and minimise the danger by rewriting the rules. If we add a rule that states the drivers will be disqualified if they perform any dangerous manoeuvres, we won’t be putting her life at risk if she were to race again.”

“That’s brilliant. She’d be able to race and I’d be able to….” My face heats as I realise what I’d been about to say.

“You’d be able to what?” He questions just as we hear shouting coming from upstairs. Thinking quickly, I answer him with a grunted, “Make some extra money off her racing.” I glance up the stairs as more shouts erupt. “Maybe we should go see if we can calm everyone down a little.” I suggest moving towards the stairs without waiting for my brother to agree.

“Why are you all just standing there?” Wez asks as we reach the top of the stairs.

“She wont open the door.” Samuel sulks. He looks like a love sick puppy and for a moment, I feel my temper getting the best of me, but I shut that shit down fast. I push past him, a little rougher than I normally would and bang my fist on the door. “Open the fucking door Alissa.” I’m fairly certain everyone is shocked as she actually opens the door for me. Even I’m shocked when she grabs me by my shirt and pulls me into her room, slamming the door behind us.

“Make them go away.” Alissa growls in my face. I’m tempted to lean in the inch or so and kiss her again, but after her last reaction… I really don’t want to experience that again. Took me hours to get over the fact she had me convinced I had a cunt instead of a dick. “I’ll make them go away, but you need to talk to us at some point. Everyone is just trying to understand what is going on, we all thought you were just another female vampire. Obviously now we all know you’re the Hybrid, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re ourfriend. We just want to protect you, keep you safe.”

“I can take care of myself.”

“I know that, but they don’t. Just give them something.”

“Like what?”

“Open the door and let them say their peace, they’ll all back off if you’re just honest with them.” When did I become the level headed one of our odd group? Come to think of it, when did I start thinking of those guys as part of a group? Things have been weird for a week or so now, but the idea of any of those assholes being my friend is completely new to me. I don’t have friends. Acquaintances, maybe, but actual friends. Such a foreign concept.

“Fine, but if they start shit, I’m going to need an alibi and help burying the bodies.”

“Just incinerate them, no bodies or need for an alibi then.” I wink then reach for the door. “I have a question before I open the door and let the assholes in…” I pause and wait for her to nod before asking, “Why’d you drag me in here?”

“You’re the least intimidating.” Her words from the race that night have me barking out a laugh. “Honestly I’m not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not.”

“About fucking time!” Brax snaps as he barges through the now open door. He grabs Alissa in the tightest bear hug which has everyone growling like dogs fighting over a bone. Even Princess is glaring at him. I blink a few times, wondering where Princess appeared from. He wasn’t on the stairs, nor was he outside her door with the others.

“Get off me!” I snarl, pushing against the giant chest in front of me. “Braxton, let me go!”

“Oh, sorry.” To say I’m shocked that the big lug is blushing is an understatement. Even his dark eyes seem to glow with embarrassment. I’m sure my own face is bright red. I’ve never been one of those girls who get all flustered when a guy shows affection, but I hardly know this guy and he’s acting like… well I’m not really sure, but it’s weird and creeping me out.

“Look, you all know my secret so there’s no point beating around the bush. Just keep it to yourselves and we won’t have a problem. Got it?” I cross my arms and give them all a glare for good measure but they just stand around staring at me. “I said-.”