Page 19 of Savaged

“We heard you, we’re just not sure what you want us to say to that. I’m pretty sure I speak for all of us when I say, we won’t tell a soul, but we still need to talk about all this. Not only are you a Hybrid, but it appears you’re far more powerful than you let on. Just how many abilities do you have?” Mr Carr asks, moving closer to me and effectively blocking everyone else from view.

“Three, water, air and fire.” I hesitate before adding, “and psionic abilities.”

“I wonder what royal line you’re from.” I turn on my heel to glare at Prince Douche only to find him lounging around on my bed looking like a model straight out of a wet dream. If he wasn’t such a douche, I’d be adding the image to my mental Flick bank. His dark looks paired with the way he’s leaning back on his arms and the angle of his neck… fuck I’m in guy heaven and there’s not one of them that I wouldn’t mind fucking, but let’s be honest. I wouldn’t be willing to fuck any of them just to scratch this incessant itch, they’re all far too close to use like that.

“I’ve told you before, I’m not from a royal line. I’m just unlucky.”

“Well, I know for a fact you’re not from any of my lines, I checked after you outed your powers in class that day. None of my direct lines have had a female child in the last two hundred years.” He sits up, straightening the sheet beneath him before straightening his sleeves casually. “In fact the only royal line to have had a female was the old Queen, but she died along with her child over a hundred years ago so you can’t be from her line. It’s a mystery I’m going to solve.” With that he gets up and leaves the room as though he’s going to find the answers today. All I can do is stare after him with my jaw hanging open.

“Well, that gets rid of him.” Kal laughs taking over the spot the Prince just vacated.

“Why are you all in my bedroom?”

“Cause we were worried about you and wanted to see for ourselves that you’re okay now.” Brax is the one who answers which throws me for an even bigger loop. I was so sure he didn’t want anything to do with me, especially since we’ve barely even said ten words to each other while living under the same roof for the last few weeks.

With my cheeks heating, I grumble, “Well I’m perfectly fine. So you can all leave now.”

“No.” The single word is snapped from Mr Carr’s lips and I’m not the only one shocked at his vehemence. “You need to feed, you’ve used a lot of power today and if you don’t feed soon you’ll go feral. We also need to work out a proper schedule for your safety with the stalker and I think with all of us finally on the same page and in the same room, we should make use of the time we have.”

“She can feed from me.” Prince Douche snaps his mobile phone shut as he storms back into my room again.

“She can’t feed from you. Feeding from a royal is illegal!” Brax shouts, shaping up to the prince. “That goes for the two of you as well.” He swings around, pointing at both Mr Carr and Kal. “If she can’t feed from a bag then she’s just going to have to use Princess and me for now. We’ll figure something more permanent out later.”

“I’ve already let her feed from me, besides she’s my betrothed, it’s perfectly legal for her to feed from me, in fact it's preferred.”

“I’m your what now?!”

“Betrothed. We're engaged.”

“No. I never agreed to any proposal nor would I. I have no intention of ever getting married. So get that shit out of your head right this instant!”

“Nothing changes. It was declared by royal decree that I would be engaged to the Hybrid. There is nothing either of us can do to change that fact so you'd best get used to it.”

“Decreed that you'd be engaged to the Hybrid?”


“Well that solves that. I’m not the only Hybrid. Isn’t that right Mr Carr?”

“That's brilliant. Congratulations Braxton, looks like you'll be moving up in society after all.”

My shock is evident but the lack of shock on the guy's faces is even more astounding. Braxton is the male broody Hybrid? Now that I think about it, it was pretty obvious.

“Hilarious.” Brax deadpans before I can even form words. “But hey, if it means Alissa isn’t trapped in a marriage of royal decree, I’m willing to take one for the team.” Brax turns to the prince and bows low like a gentleman, “What do you say, pretty boy, wanna be my betrothed?” I can’t help the laugh that bursts out of me, it’s just not something I ever expected to see Brax doing.

It feels like the entire room pauses as they all stare at me. “What?” I ask, trying to contain my laughter.

“Do it again Brax, make her laugh, it’s beautiful.” Princess says, making everyone laugh.

“Oh stop.” I really wish everything could stay just like this. Everyone is smiling and having fun, it's strange but I kinda like it.

The afternoon turns into evening and before I know it, everyone is sitting around in the living room, eating pizza and getting along as though they’ve been friends all their lives. Feeling tired, I lay my head back against the couch, curl my legs up and close my eyes, enjoying the relaxed feeling in the air. I can feel Brax’s shoulder against mine on my left and Prince Douche’s on the right but even with them being so close, I don’t feel crowded. Opening my eyes, I watch as Kal cleans up the pizza boxes before sitting down on the other couch beside Princess.

Out of all the people who could have found out my secret, I never imagined it would be these guys. Nor did I ever think that they’d make me feel less like a freak.

“How about Birds of Prey?” Brax suggests as they argue over what movie to watch.

“I’d rather watch something more explosive.” Kal throws his two cents worth in.