Page 31 of Aryena’s Secret

I close my eyes begging the universe to just make him stop before he can finish that sentence. To my surprise he frowns at me.Can you hear me?I ask, trying to keep my thoughts to myself.

Silence. Blessed silence.

"How did you do that? Tell me so I can do it too."

"What did she do?" Remmie's voice vibrates through me as he speaks.

"Somehow she cut me off mid thought, it felt like a rubber band snapping then I couldn't hear her anymore." To my surprise Derrin doesn't look relieved, he looks pissed off.

"Willed it. I couldn't stand hearing the rest of that thought so I just willed you to stop." I poke my tongue out at him.

"Can you make it come back?"

"Why would I want to do that? Why would you want that, you've just spent the last ten minutes bitching about wanting me out of your head. It's done, over, I don't want to go through that ever again."

"It might be useful; I could use you to cheat on that science exam coming up." I roll my eyes, trust the douche to find a use for something that annoying.

"Okay, but that still doesn't explain how it happened in the first place." Remmie says, interrupting our banter.

"Urgh, I can't think on an empty stomach, I'm ordering pizza, anyone want in?" Torren pulls his phone out of his pocket and looks right at me, his left brow raised in question.

"She'll have a meat lovers." Richard says getting up off the step.

"Shecan speak for herself." Torren growls. Again I find my eyes rolling to the ceiling.

I want to punch the lot of them.They can't even go ten seconds without biting each other’s heads off.

You think this is bad, you should see Remmie and Torren when they... Hey I can hear you again.

Shit, sorry, must have to keep thinking about blocking you.I admit, distractedly.

No, don't, I'm kind of liking this. It's ours. Don't tell the others we can still hear each other.

I nod and extract myself from Remmie's arms. "Are we having a sleep over?"

"No!" Richard snaps at the same time Remmie, Torren and Derrin all shout, "Yes!" Jason just sits there looking from Derrin to me and back again. After doing it a couple of times he gets up and goes into the kitchen. Curious I follow him.



I watch them all interacting with her. Half of them seem to be obsessed with her, the others are just as bad but they appear to be obsessing over whether or not she’s a danger to them. It’s moments like these I wish I could just out myself and get rid of all of them, but the timing isn’t right. Not yet.

I keep seeing their hands on her. I keep seeing the way they look at what is mine and every breath I take is measured to keep my cool. I’m holding back my fury. Restraining myself from reacting to their pathetic attempts to uncover all of my little Ray of Sunshine’s secrets. Areyna’s secret should remain her own, for now. I myself will uncover them all before long, but not if these fools keep blundering in the way.

I’ve watched all of them interacting, I’ve watched her. Hell, I’ve killed for her, by necessity of course, but she doesn’t know any of that. She’s my sweet innocent little lamb and none of these dickheads are going to get close enough to change that.

With a smile, I turn the tables on them all. Causing chaos is fun sometimes….



"What's wrong?" I ask Jase after observing him glare at a wall for several minutes.

"Nothing baby, this is all just, really weird." He pulls me into his arms and I rest my head on his solid chest. Unlike the hybrids, Jason doesn't smell sweet, he smells dusky, like the air after it rains. Richard has a similar scent but his is more like the earth than the air. My heightened senses are cool and all but trust me, walking into a room after someone farted is not so cool. Two guys in the house means you tend to have that problem more often than not. Right now though, all I can smell is his normal scent, it's peaceful and I really don't want to leave his warm embrace.

Hey, beautiful, you know I can still hear you right?Derrin’s voice in my head startles me so much that I groan out loud.Fuck, sorry. My minds all over the place tonight.