Page 30 of Aryena’s Secret

"Yeah, we'll keep our cover until we can catch all of the murderers. We've got six students deaths to investigate now and we know teachers are involved, we'll have a better chance at finding out who the murderer or murderers are if we stay hidden in plain sight." Richard sits down next to Jason; he looks like he's ready for bed. My suspicions are confirmed a second later when he yawns without covering his mouth.

"Is it safe to let the students back into the school? I mean if teachers are killing people, then wouldn't it make more sense to just shut down the school?" Derrin paces across the foyer as he speaks.

"The Mayor has over-ruled us. He wants things to go on as usual. Can't have a scandal this big breaking during election time."

I roll my eyes at Richard’s words. From everything I have heard from Jason and Richard, the Mayor is a complete idiot. A month ago he let a drug dealer go simply because the drug dealer knew his son. A few days later the drug dealer killed four people and was back in court again. He ended up going to jail but the Mayor lied to the press, saying his son was involved because he was helping the police investigate. A total lie according to Jason, the Mayor's son is a drug addict and a woman basher.

"Derrin, Jase was saying the effects of the bond wear off after a while."

"That's great fucking news. I want her out of my head. I swear I can hear her thinking about me from here."

No way can he hear me thinking, what an egotistical asshole.

I am not an egotistical asshole...Derrin's eyes flick around the room. First looking at the door, then Remmie, Torren, Jase, and Richard, finally he looks up the stairs, right at me.You really are in my head!

No. This is fucked up.

"Took the words right out of my head, beautiful! Someone want to explain to me, why the fuck I can hear her?"

Remmie's eyes bug out at Derrin's question. He looks back up at me and I shrug, tapping my head with my finger.Can anyone else hear my fucking thoughts?

"You know, it's not very attractive when a girl swears."

I glare a Derrin. "Fuck you!" Everyone turns to stare at me. "What?" I snap, getting up off the top step. I walk down the stairs and sit down beside Jase on the bottom step. He slips his hand into mine but I pull away from him. I've got too many emotions running through me right now; I can't handle any more.

Don't think about her titties, don't think about her titties. Fuck now I'm thinking about her titties. Urgh!

"Really?" I ask raising my eyebrows at Derrin.

"Iama guy."

I slap my hand on my chest, in a show of being shocked. "No, really? here I thought you were a douche."

"Damn, she really is full of fire when she's getting the right blood." I elbow Jase in the ribs. "Don't you start."

"What are we going to do about the fact that we can't go too far away from her right now?" Remmie picks me up from the step and sits down, placing me in his lap. Shaking my head, I stay put as his tangy honey scent surrounds me.Easier to just go with it than it is to fight them.I lean my head back against his shoulder, staring up at the ceiling.He smells so good, likehoney cakes or those thick scented roses that people use in cooking.

I can't stand seeing her with him. Fuck I..."Fucking forget that! I want her out of my head, now!"

"Why exactly is he in here..." I tap my head. "...when the rest of you aren't?"

"Not sure, maybe he's done something the rest of us haven't. We've all given you blood, so that can't be it."

I kissed her, maybe that's it. Have any of the others kissed her? Do I want to know if they have? Fuck I can't stand that thought. Shit she's probably listening to my thoughts. Am I the only one who has kissed her?

"Oh, for fucks sake, just say it out loud already Derrin." I snap getting annoyed at his thought process.

"I kissed her."

"So have I." Richard smirks at Derrin.

I roll my eyes.Great now it's a pissing contest.

I'd win hands down beautiful; you know it.Derrin winks at me.

Yeah, you're the winner of the biggest ego contest, congratulations!

You keep stroking it, beautiful. Of course I'd rather you were stroking...