Page 36 of Aryena’s Secret


I wake with Jason wrapped around my body, my jeans twisted up and my shirt rolled up around my boobs. I can’t remember dreaming at all, but I remember the events that led to me crying my eyes out in Jason’s arms last night.

I’m not looking forward to school today. Hell I’m not looking forward to facing the guys at all, but despite life sucking dog’s balls, I have to face them eventually. I wriggle my way free of Jason’s octopus-like embrace and crawl down the bed, hopping off and padding over to the bathroom.

There are perks to having great hearing, then there are downfalls to it, I can hear someone in one of the bathrooms downstairs peeing and for about twenty seconds, I struggle to pee as I wonder if the other hybrids hearing is as good or better than mine. Nature takes over and I have no choice but to go, blushing the entire time.

I’m curious what else they can do that I can, but I’m scared to admit to the things I can do in case it makes me even more of a freak than I already am.

Just as I’m coming out of the bathroom, Jason sits up on the bed, startling me. Due to my embarrassing thoughts, I’d forgotten he had slept in my bed last night. “I’ll just go get ready for school.”

“It’s so weird having to say that, isn’t it?” I ask, nervously toying with the hem of my shirt.

“It is, but you’ll get used to it.” He doesn’t give me a chance to say anything back, just walks out the door, pulling it closed softly behind himself.I guess we’re pretending last night never happened then.

Somehow we all manage to get ready for school, the guys borrowing clothes from Richard and Jason, me in my own, then we’re heading out the door and piling into two cars. Jase, Char and Remmie in with me in Jase’s car and Torren and Derrin in Derrin’s truck. The drive to school is completed in uncomfortable silence, but the moment we pull into the school parking lot, everyone starts talking at once. “What’s the plan for today?” Remmie asks at the same time Jason scolds Richard, “No more running off on your own, we’re going to have to work in groups today. It’s too dangerous for us to wander off on our own.”

Knocking on the window has us all jumping and glaring. Torren and Derrin open the passenger side doors, letting Remmie, me and Richard out while Jase rounds the front of the car. The bags under Derrin’s eyes have me worried, but I’m not sure if I should point it out in front of other students or the other guys. Instead, I shuffle over to him, grabbing his hand and giving him an “Are you okay?” look. To my shock, he shakes me off and storms into the school without a backward glance.

I looks askance at the other guys but they all just shrug and follow behind Derrin.

Jason, Torren and I head to homeroom, while the others follow Richard to the secret meeting classroom down the hall. As we’re sitting down, I lean over to Torren and whisper ask, “What’s wrong with Derrin today?”

“Nothing for you to worry about. It’s a guy thing, he’ll get over it in a bit.” Torren whispers back. His flaxen hair is usually a lot neater than it is today but the messy look really suits him, I can’t seem to help it, he’s gorgeous and from the looks he’s getting from the other girls in the class, I’m not the only one noticing the difference in his appearance today. I spend the ten minutes of homeroom basically staring at him out of the corner of my eye. It doesn’t help that he’s wearing a shirt that is so tight it shows off every groove in his muscles and the jeans he borrowed from Richard are far too tight. I can see the bulge in the front that does nothing to hide the size of his….Shit I need to stop staring.My cheeks grow warm as he winks one of his sexy midnight eyes at me. Glancing away, I try to hide my blush but Jason catches my eye, a frown marring his gorgeous face.

Having so many sexy guys in my life is complicated.

We split off to go to our next classes, Torren and Jason have Science this period, while I’m supposed to have chemistry with Richard and Remmie, but I stop in the girl’s bathroom before heading to class. The blonde cheerleader who was hanging all over Torren the other day is leaning against the bathroom counter. She gives me a dirty look as I shuffle into one of the stalls. It takes me far too long to do what I need to do, knowing that girl is out there by the sinks. Finally finished, I open the door only to be pushed hard up against the door frame. All the air rushes from my lungs as the cheer-bitch gets right up into my face.

Her green eyes look like angry cats eyes as she hisses, practically spraying her words, “Stay the fuck away from my man!”

“I don’t-.” I begin but she cuts me off, “I mean it, this is your only fucking warning, stay away from Torren!” She pushes at my chest and my fangs slip out. I’m shaking all over with the effort it takes not to lash out at the bitch.

“Torren’s a big boy, if he didn’t want me hanging out with him, then he’d say something.” I growl, getting more pissed by the second.

Her fist flashes out, it’s almost like I’m seeing her moving in slow motion, I turn my head just a fraction, watching her hand go past my cheek and slamming into the door frame of the bathroom stall. Her knuckles split with the impact flooding the bathroom with the scent of fresh blood.

My eyes go wide as I realise what is happening to me. Shoving her as hard as I can, I get her out of my way and rush out of the bathroom. My face collides with a hard chest on the other side of the door. “Come on, before you lose it completely.” Remmie snaps, grabbing my wrist and tugging me down the hallway.

He drags me through the school and out into the woods behind the library without saying another word until we reach a clearing in the middle of the woods. “What is this place?” I ask, looking around in an attempt to avoid the hunger gnawing at me.

“Secret make out spot. The humans used to come here during class to hide from teachers but no one’s been out here since the killings started.” He’s still holding my wrist and I look pointedly at it, giving my arm a bit of a shake to get him to let go. “I just need a minute; I’ll be fine if I can just calm down.”

“Areyna, you need to feed. That’s why I brought you out here.”

“What? We can’t feed in the middle of a clearing, what if someone comes out here? How would we explain it?”

Remmie cocks his head to the side, his greenish-blue eyes narrowed on me as though he’s trying to solve a puzzle. I run my free hand through my hair, pulling my long fringe away from my face so that I can gather my thoughts for a moment. Remmie’s lack of understanding human emotions is beginning to annoy me. “Humans might catch us feeding, they’ll ask questions we can’t answer.”

“Oh, no, it’s not that. I’m curious why you’re not arguing against feeding. Last time we had to practically force you to feed and now you just question the location.”

“Huh, now that you mention it….” I trail off and wrench my arm from his hand. “I’m fine now.” I show him my teeth, pointing out the fact that my fangs receded. “See no fangs. I’m good. I just needed to calm down is all.”

“You should still feed.” He glances around the clearing, frowns then grabs my hand again, “Come on.”

His strength is surprising as he pulls me back through the trees and over to a small cabin that looks like it used to be a storage shed for gardening equipment. The closer we get to it, the more I’m convinced it really is a garden shed. An old ride on lawn mower with half the engine gone is poking out from between the broken pieces of the door, while the ground is littered with other gardening bits and pieces.

“This should give us some privacy.” Before I can protest further, Remmie drags me through the biggest gap in the door, past the broken lawnmower and into the darkness beyond. He lifts his arm to my lips. It feels far more intimate feeding from him alone in the dark like this but I’m starving.