Page 37 of Aryena’s Secret

Something between us shifts in the blink of an eye. His other hand stretches out, grasping my hip. He pulls me closer, our breaths mingling as my chest heaves. Every breath is a tease, my bra and shirt covered breasts rubbing against his bare chest.When did his shirt disappear?“Wh-.” Whatever I was going to say slips from my mind as his lips claim my own. He’s kissing me like my lips and tongue are life. As though the melding of our mouths will save the pair of us from every possible wrong in the world.

My back hits the wall, shaking the entire shed, I’m not sure when we reversed positions, but it’s definitely the wall I’m now pressed against. His left hand slides up my thigh, inching it’s way higher and higher while his right tangles within the mess of my hair.

All thoughts disappear, leaving me groaning against his lips. Too soon the kiss is over, he pulls his head back, staring into my eyes. I’m drowning in the deep pools of desire that his own eyes have become.

My hands curl, gripping his biceps as hard as I can, before slamming my lips back to his.

The second kiss is more heated, his right-hand roaming down my back, pressing me harder to his chest. His other climbs closer to the very place I want him. He pulls away just a breath between us and asks, “Areyna, are you sure?”

“Yes.” My reply is nothing more than a breathy whisper. It’s all he needs, his next kiss devours me as his hands knead my flesh, somehow he slips my shirt down my shoulders, allowing the fabric to pool to the floor at our feet. A shiver runs down my spine before I’m enveloped in his warm arms.

My fangs slip through my gums, sinking into the soft flesh between his neck and jaw. The taste of honey and chocolate floods my senses, filling me with more than just life. Every precious drop I swallow down enhances my lust. I pull my fangs free, kissing the spot over and over again while his lips trail soft butterfly kisses across my bare shoulder.

“Remmie, what are you doing in there?” Derrin’s voice is enough to snap me free of my lust. Remmie not so much, he holds me closer, refusing to let go. The door flies open, a shocked Derrin standing in the doorway, his chest heaving. The remaining parts of the door are on the ground almost ten feet away. It looks like Derrin’s tore the pieces away and tossed them in his hurry to get inside the garden shed.



I can’t stop staring. She’s right there with Remmie.Remmie!He is not what I expected when I heard her thoughts going crazy. She was projecting her fears over losing herself to the hunger, next thing I know she’s basically playing a verbal sex scene out in my head. I thought for sure I was going to burst in here and find Torren, not Remmie.

How the hell did this happen? I still can’t tear my gaze away from them. Remmie is shirtless, standing with his chest to her back. His arms are wrapped around her, holding her tightly to him. My own hands twitch with the need to tear her away from him. To cover her swollen lips with my own and erase any trace of Remmie’s kiss from her mind.

She clears her throat, a sound that should be off putting, but its having the opposite effect. My cock twitches in my pants, perking up more at the sound of her voice as she stutters out a half-formed excuse for being caught alone with Remmie in such a position. “We were just… I got worked up… I mean angry… The cheerleader…”

“Just stop!” I growl, shaking my fists in the air, meaning for her to stop speaking so that I can get my own feelings under control. Remmie must take it wrong because the next thing I know, he’s got me pinned to the ground, his hands wrapped around my throat. “Don’t ever threaten her again!”

“Rem, I don’t think-.” She chokes leaving the rest of her thoughts unspoken but due to our weird mind link thing I hear the words anyway.He wasn’t trying to threaten me.

“No. He shook his fist at you, there’s no way I misinterpreted that.” Remmie responding to her thoughts has my eyes flying to his.

“You can hear her thoughts too?” I slam my forearms into Remmie’s forcing him to let go of my throat. “You kissed her!” I snarl into his face as I flip us over, my legs falling to either side of his hips. My own hands wrap around his neck, squeezing just tight enough to warn him not to try anything else.

“No, I mean yeah, but no.” Remmie’s voice comes out a whisper so I ease up a little. “I can’t hear her thoughts. I can feel her emotions.”

My head rears back, staring down at him in shock. “What do you mean emotions?”

“Can you talk after you stop trying to kill each other?” Areyna shouts as she grabs my shoulder trying to pull me off Remmie.

The sound of a female voice over the loud speaker has all three of us staring over at the school in shock. “All students please report to the main hall. This is not a drill. All students please report to the main hall…."

“Not again.” I groan as I get off Remmie and grab his arm, hoisting him to his feet. Both of us glare at each other and reach for Areyna’s hand at the same time.

“Urgh we don’t have time for this.” Areyna snaps grabbing both our hands. I glare at Remmie again but Areyna tugs us both along behind her as we run back to the school. We slip into the library, following a bunch of students out into the hallway as everyone makes their way to the main hall.

Someone bumps into us, causing my hand to slip from Areyna’s in the crowd of students. I shove and push my way through trying to get hold of her again but she disappears into the crowd. My heart is in my throat. I know I need to trust Remmie to keep her safe, but I’d rather it was me with her, not him.

Derrin, can you hear me?

Yeah.I reply silently.

I’m over by the office, I lost Remmie somewhere in the crowd.The panic in her voice has me worried.

I start pushing through the crowd, not caring if I knock anyone over or hurt anyone.Can you see anyone else?

No, I’m by myself. I can’t get through the crowd.Her inner voice is so small and scared, I start shoving people harder, trying to clear a path but there’s just too many. I’m never going to get through them without using my hybrid strength.Stay there. I’m on my way, keep talking to me.

Torren appears before me, pushing his way across the hall. A blonde cheerleader slips through on his heels but he doesn’t pay her any attention as he finally spots me. Together we force our way through, clearing a path right down the centre. I finally spot Areyna, cowering in a corner between the office and a row of lockers. She’s got a few marks on her jaw and arms but otherwise seems okay. I try to call out to her, to let her know we’re here but I can barely hear myself think let alone talk over the din of all the shouting students. Both Torren and I grab for her at the same time, wrapping our arms around her so I’m hugging her front while he’s hugging her back. Bodies jostle us from all around, but Areyna’s safe between us.