Page 32 of Aryena’s Secret

I really need you to teach me how to block your thoughts, I don't want to know how much you like being in his arms.

Are you jealous?

What? No!

I close my eyes,this is ridiculous, there has to be a way to make it so that it's selective communication.

"Baby, what are you thinking about?"


"You've got that little frown you get when you are thinking. Wait, are you talking to him in your head again?" Jason pulls away, an angry look on his face.

"No, I was just trying to work out how it happened in the first place."

"So you're in my arms, thinking about him?" I’ve never heard that tone of voice from Jason before. Even for big bad vampire hybrid me, it’s fucking scary. I back away from him, holding my hands up in a stop gesture. "Jason, no, I..." Before I can finish the sentence he growls and practically runs into the foyer. I stomp my foot like a child and race after him.

"You think you can come in here and take her from me?" Jason swings his fist right at Derrin's face. It’s like time suddenly stops, no one moves for several seconds. The gasp that falls from my lips is drowned out by Derrin’s shout, “What the fuck?” His cheek is a deep shade of red where Jason hit him.

In a blink chaos breaks out.

I can’t keep track of them, all I can do is shout as they literally pummel each other.

At some point Remmie grabs Jason and Richard snaps, hitting Remmie in the jaw. Torren tries to break it up, pulling Richard into a headlock. Jason sees Torren grab Richard and snaps; he swings at Torren and Derrin catches his hand. Somehow Torren ends up in the middle of it all, pushing and shoving at the others as they become nothing more than a ball of limbs.

"Stop it!" I shout for the millionth time. None of them even pay any attention to me. "Stop fighting!" I try again. They keep going at it. After another try I just back away and go into the kitchen. Less than a minute later Remmie comes in.

"They'll be a few more minutes. Idiots don't know how to deal with this situation. To be honest, I'm curious to see how this all turns out. I've never seen the outcome of a fist fight before, I get the feeling it's going to be either something very good, or something very bad. Either way, it'll be interesting."

"Are you always like this?"

"Like what?"

"So... Analytical?"

"Yes. I see the world differently than most people; I have this need to figure things out. Everything is a puzzle just begging to be solved. Take you for example, you're the first female hybrid we've ever met. All of us are clearly attracted to you, yet you don't seem to be showing any favouritism. You seem to genuinely like everyone the same amount. I've also noticed that you tend to just go with the flow more often than not. Is there a reason for that? Or do you just not know how to think for yourself?"

My hand flies across his face before I can think. "How dare you!"

"Whoa, wasn't expecting that." Remmie rubs his jaw. "You appear to be stronger than you were before. Are you needing more blood? I wonder if you'll be even stronger with more than just a little from each of us."

I am so glad I didn't end up stuck in Remmie's head.

You and me both beautiful, I warned you he was odd.

Odd, he's downright crazy. Does he not have any feelings or something?

He does, he just doesn't know the difference between right and wrong, he's a clinical sociopath. He's not dangerous though. Just doesn't always see the damage he can do with his words.

Are you all finished fighting now?I ask Derrin.

Remmie interrupts my thoughts by asking,"You're talking to Derrin, aren't you?"

"Yes." I answer honestly.

"Can I kiss you?"

My jaw hits the ground. I could not have heard what I thought I did. "What?"