Page 18 of Aryena’s Secret

I still haven't wiped my face, he tsks and grabs the tissue, wiping the drop from the corner of my mouth. "How often do you feed? You're in a blood daze so I'm going to guess you only feed once every couple of days, am I right?"

I shake my head, then nod it.

"Okay, which is it, yes or no, speak to me dammit, how am I supposed to help you if I don't know what is going on in that pretty little head of yours." His hands clamp down on my shoulders, dark-blue eyes bore into mine, demanding an answer.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I say carefully.

Heavy footfalls come running down the hall and I glance behind me; Jase is running towards us, his face a mask of anger. "Get your fucking hands off her!" Jase growls stepping up to my side.

"Look man, you might think you have things under control here but you don't, you're messing with something you three obviously know nothing about. She needs to feed on another hybrid or a full blood or else she's going to keep losing control."

"I don't know what you are talking about." Jase mimics my earlier words.

"Fine, but don't think I'm going to be happy when I have to clean up your stupid mess." The guy turns his sapphire gaze back to me. "If you don't feed properly soon, you'll go crazy and start draining humans, don't leave it too long before coming to find me, okay." He turns to walk away but Jason calls out to him.

"Just who the fuck are you anyway?"

"I'm Torren Falcon, leader of the Falcon hybrid clan. She is one of my people whether you want to admit it or not. If you weren't so blind from lusting after her, you'd see she's in constant pain and practically starving herself. What have you been feeding her anyway? You're not anaemic so I'm assuming you're not feeding her yourself."

"Blood bags from the blood bank..." Jason confesses.

"Are you fucking insane? The anticoagulant in those things can kill our kind." Torren rubs his hand across the back of his neck in agitation. The bell rings again and he jumps. I myself cringe at the high pitched shrill, but I'm used to the police cruisers siren, which is really loud when you are inside the car.

"Look, I have to get to class, meet me in the old science lab on the third floor at lunch time." Without waiting for a reply, he runs off, leaving both Jase and I staring after him.

"I thought I was the only one." I say after a few more seconds of silence.

"Apparently not." Jase grabs my hand and pulls me across to the other side of the now empty hall. "I don't trust him, baby, let's stay away from him for now." His frown disappears, then a smile takes its place, "At least we found our classroom."

* * *

The teacher glaresat us as we walk in hand in hand, she points to the back of the class where there are two separate empty seats. I walk towards the closest one, my face burning as everyone watches me. Jase sits down three seats across, I breathe a sigh of relief that he's not going to try to make someone move to sit next to me this time.

The teacher drones on the entire class, I swear she doesn't even stop for a breath. By the time the bell rings, I'm so eager to leave that I jump up mid ring and knock over my notebook. At the exact moment I bend over to pick it up, the guy next to me does the same, our heads crash together and I cry out, startled. Jason is there in a flash, pulling me away from the guy. I turn around to apologise but the words get stuck in my throat.

"You're my neighbour. I've seen you there with those two cops. What's it like living with those douche bags?" I gulp as Jase tenses behind me. Remmie seemed like a nice guy from everything I had seen of him, now I'm not so sure. His attitude is tainting the crush I had on his gorgeous physique and drool worthy good looks.

"Actually they are really nice." I state trying to diffuse the situation as I glare into his aqua eyes. I certainly don't feel like apologising anymore. Without saying anything else, I snatch my book and grab Jase's hand, dragging him out of the classroom.

"Calm deep breaths, I'm sure he was just trying to break the ice." I whisper to Jase.

"He called us douche bags. Right to my face." Jase's face is bright red, he looks like he's about to lose his temper.

"It's not like he knew who you were, to be honest I was panicking thinking hehadrecognised you." I shrug.

"You didn't even recognise us and you've lived with us for the last few months." Jase laughs, his shoulders finally starting to relax.

"So what is health class and do I even need to be in the class?" I ask changing the subject.

"It's basically sports, and yes, it's a mandatory subject, everyone has to take the class. Even Char will be there."

I gulp, I'm not sure I'm ready to face Richard yet. He's getting worse with each feeding. I shake my head, "Are you sure I can't get out of it somehow?"

"Sorry baby, you're as stuck as we are. Come on, we'll be late if we don't hurry up."

Rolling my eyes I hurry along behind him; people seem to instinctively get out of his way as he pushes through the crowd of students gathered in the hallways.

A hand touches mine as we pass in the crowd, a piece of folded paper ends up inside my palm. I glance around but can't figure out who handed it to me.