Page 17 of Aryena’s Secret

My first thought as we walk in the room is, 'Holy shit that's a lot of people.' I have no idea what to make of them all. There are small groups with their heads together, people sitting by themselves and even a couple up the back making out. Jase takes my hand and leads me to a seat up the back. He glares at a guy who is sitting by himself in the middle of two empty chairs and to my surprise, without a word the guy grunts and shifts over to the furthest seat.

"What did you do that for?" I ask Jase.

"Because these are the last seats and I want you beside me." He says pushing on my shoulder to get me to sit down. I don't have time to analyse that thought, a man in his late thirties walks into the room and everyone goes silent.

The second he sits down, he starts calling out names in alphabetical order, each student calls out here or present, a couple of the guys up the back yell out "Yo!" So, when my name is called, I copy the bulk of the students and say "Here." The entire class swivels around to stare at me, thankfully no one says anything, but the stares are making me squirm in my seat. Jase slides his hand onto my knee, giving it a squeeze. "Stay calm, they are only staring because you are new." He whispers barely loud enough for me to hear.

"Jase Lance?" Again, everyone turns around to stare as Jase calls out that he is here. This taking attendance is weird. The moment the teacher finishes everyone starts talking again, this time slightly quieter than when we first walked in. The teacher just sits there staring at his phone.

"Why did they call our names last? The rest of the names were called out in alphabetical order."

"They add the new students to the end of the list, it's no big deal."

"What is the point in this class?" I ask Jase, trying to keep my voice down.

"So, the school knows you are here today."

"Oh..." Someone cries out down the front, then the sweetest smell hits my nose, I turn to face Jase, covering my mouth and nose with my hand. His eyes go wide as he looks from me to the guy in the front row.

"Fucking paper cut." Jase growls. "Look at me Rose, just breathe, he's putting a plaster on it now, you can ignore this. I know you can."

I take a deep breath, which is a mistake, the scent hits me stronger and I groan, putting my head down on the desk. I feel a hand rubbing gently up and down my spine and I know instinctively that it's Jase. "I've got you babe; the bell should ring in a minute then we can get out of here. I'll take you to the room we have set up and we'll see what Char thinks we should do."

I nod, my head hitting the desk with the movement.

"Is she okay?" The guy next to us asks.

"Yeah, she just gets headaches from time to time."

The bell rings stopping the guy from replying, Jase is out of his seat and pulling me to my feet before any of the other students have even registered the fact that the bell sounded.

He drags me almost the entire length of the school before ducking into a classroom with a maintenance sign on it. Char is sitting behind a computer typing away furiously, he stops the second we enter the room.

"What happened? Are you alright Rose?" Richard asks in a panic.

"She's fine, just craving blood. Some idiot cut himself in homeroom."

"Shit, come here Rose, take some of mine then you two had better get to class. I have a double free period this morning so I will be in here until lunch time."

My body responds before my head, I step up beside him and he holds his arm out to me. Shaking my head, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "People will notice." I say pointing to his wrist.

Without a word he rips his shirt off over his head and turns to face me. "They won’t if they can’t see the marks." I'm staring at his muscles; they are so defined I swear even sweat would look sexy on him. Swallowing roughly, I lean down towards his collar bone, his pulse flutters in the vein at his neck, drawing me in. I can't help wondering if he actually enjoys the idea of me drinking his blood.

"I can't." I whisper pulling back. He grabs the back of my head and forces my face to his flesh. Instinct takes over and my fangs pop out, sinking into his warm skin. To my surprise he groans like it's some kind of erotic act, blushing to my toes, I try to pull away from him after a couple of moments, but he holds on tighter.

"Don't stop." With a gasp I wrench myself free of his hold.

"Richard!" I snap. His entire face is flushed, a very obvious bulge in his pants and the way he's looking at me, everything points to him being beyond turned on. My point is proven a second later as I back away from him. He's suddenly on his feet, backing me into the wall. Before I can get my head clear enough to protest he slams his lips onto mine, grinding his hips into my groin.

"Richard, get a hold of yourself." Jase snaps, trying to pull Richard off me.

Richard turns on Jason, his face a mask of fury. I don't hesitate, the second I'm free, I bolt right out the door and down the school's hallways, effectively getting myself lost after four turns.

"Here, clean that off before someone see it." A tissue is shoved into my hand and I stand there, immobile, staring in horror at the guy who handed it to me. He's gorgeous. Almost a foot taller than me, with flaxen hair hanging over his dark-blue eyes, a slight dimple on his left cheek. His eyes crinkle in humour over my staring, "Oh don't be like that, you'll give me a complex. I'm good looking, got great hair and I bite, get over it so we can talk about the fact that you nearly lost it from a paper cut."

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask trying to play dumb.

"You're a hybrid, I'm guessing half vamp, you'll need more than those two human bond mates if you're going to be going to a human school."