Page 32 of Violet Craves

He fights a smile but it comes out anyway and we both break out in a fit of laughter. He finds another smaller towel and sets about drying my hair, soaking up all of the water droplets. I sigh contentedly.

“A girl could get used to this,” I whisper. “I’m surprised by all of this,” I gesture to the whole him taking care of me thing. He sets the towel down and raises his brows at me in question. “I would have thought you guys would have run for the hills the moment we were done.” He chuckles but shakes his head.

“It’s called aftercare, babe. After doing all the shit we did to you tonight, you need looking after. We may like to fuck hard but we aren’t assholes.” He grins sheepishly and I kind of feel bad for having assumed the worse. But I don’t know them so it’s not really my fault. Rook picks me up unexpectedly, making me giggle. “And we’re not done by the way. We can just tell you’re exhausted so we’ll call this intermission. Hold on tight, Little Flower. It’s Zander’s turn to take care of you now.”

He carries me to the bedroom where I’m beyond shocked to see they have found my spare bedsheets. Zander, dressed in only his boxer briefs, is tucking the clean white sheets in and adjusting my down comforter. What I’m assuming is thoroughly saturated and dirty sheets are sitting in a heap by my laundry bin.

There’s a reusable ice pack from my freezer sitting on my nightstand next to a bottle of Aloe Vera. These dudes have seriously made themselves at home going through my shit. I’m surprisingly not mad at it.

“Lay on your stomach, princess. Let me take a look at your beautiful ass,” Zander grunts with a gesture to my bed.

Rook sets me down and I drop my towel and stretch out with my head on my pillow. If they want to take care of me, I’ll fucking bask in their sweet attention. I feel the bed shift as Rook settles in next to me completely naked.

“Arnica cream is better for this but you don’t have any so the Aloe will have to do. You should ice off and on for the next few days, you have some pretty good welts, and I’m guessing they will bruise.” Zander gets to work on massaging the cold gel into my backside. It burns at first, causing me to jolt and hiss. He soothes the sting with a gentle touch that quickly relaxes me. “You did so well, princess. You took everything we threw at you all night. Did you enjoy yourself?”

I can’t help it. A huge grin spreads across my face as I nod into the pillow. Cracking my tired eyes open, I look over at Zander. His eyes are already on me and the look on his face makes me blush. He looks fucking hungry,still.

“It was fucking amazing. I’ve never done anything like that and I doubt I’ll ever have another experience like it. Thank you guys,” I murmur, somewhat awkwardly but still meaning it.

I’m beyond impressed with their skills and at no point tonight did I seriously think about backing out. Truly, it wasn’t that bad on the whole BDSM scale. I was afraid about the pain at first, or that things would get out of control or scary, but they were supportive and amazing the whole night. I fucking loved it. In fact, I cant wait to do it again. Hopefully, I can convince them to give me a repeat session.

“No need to thank us, Flower. That was the best foursome I’ve ever had. Fucking fantastic night,” Rook grumbles, sounding half asleep. Again, I’m surprised. I thought they would be gone by now, not that I’m mad that they are still here. I’m actually quite happy about it.

“This will be cold. Leave it on for 15 minutes,” Zander mutters as he sets the icepack on my ass, making me shiver. He covers me with a blanket and stands up from the bed before disappearing out of my room.

Rook curls up behind me under the comforter. He throws an arm over my back and wraps his legs around mine, tugging me close.

“Thank you for tonight, Little Flower. It was more than just the hottest sex of my life. You were incredible,” he whispers into my hair while rubbing gentle circles on my back. I smile into my pillow and dig my head into his chest. I’m just about asleep when I hear him murmur, “I wish we could keep you.”


Well,thiswasallvery unexpected. This is not at all how I assumed tonight would go. As I stand under the steady stream of water in Violets’ shower, I can’t help but laugh. Jesus, what a fucking night. After all this time, we finally had our night with the little purple-haired she-devil.

We spent hours and hours playing with her stunningly perfect body. We fucked every hole she has. I’d be lying if I said I’m not jealous of my best friend fucking her ass. If only I had more time with her. I would have fucked every single hole she possesses, twice.

More time. Fuck. I wish we fucking had it. More time to enjoy life before our world implodes. More time to get used to all the changes happening in our lives. More time to ravage Violet’s body.

She’s fucking incredible. Her body is literally perfect and I’ve fucked a lot of women, so I can say that with confidence. She’s petite, curvy, and real. Not an inch on her is fake, modified, or plastic. The changes she’s made to herself don’t take away from her beauty at fucking all. If anything, the tattoos and hair just add to it. She’s a natural ten in any man’s eyes. With the additions, she’s a fucking twenty.

There’s a small primal thing inside of me that is whisperingmineon repeat. Its been there from the first moment I saw her when she walked into Sanctity. I think it must have been going off inside of each of us, like a death knell ringing, warning us of danger. Because that’s what she is, danger. She’s dangerous to us. The foreign feeling stirring inside of me at the thought of someone else other than one of us three with her, touching her, fucking her, claiming her, makes me want to beat my chest like a fucking ape. It makes me want to rage and take out any other fucker who dares to touch her. To touch what’s ours.


I shake my head. What a ridiculous fucking notion. She cant be mine or ours because she’s fucking dangerous. She has the potential to take us down whether intentionally or not. She could do it with the snap of her tiny fingers because she has us under her fucking spell and that kind of power could ruin us. She’s a distraction and our lives have zero room for distractions right now.

Probably never.

Turning off the water, I climb out of the shower and quickly dry off before throwing my boxers back on. We need to get the fuck out of here. We’ve already broken so many of our fucking rules tonight, it’s insane. I drop the towel into her hamper and walk out of the bathroom, turning off the light on the way. I’m surprised that the loft is dark and silent. The fuck? Where is everyone?

I head back into Violet’s room and almost stumble at the sight in front of me. Fucking Christ. Has everyone lost their faculties? Am I the only one of us three who realizes this shits gone too far?

The sight in front of me would almost be funny if it wasn’t so fucked. This is new territory for me and without shouting at the fuckers to get dressed and fuck off, I’m not sure how to handle it. Not a great thing to admit for someone in my position.

My two best friends and Violet are curled up on her bed, passed the fuck out, and wrapped around each other like some sort of pile of animals. The room is dark except for the light trickling in from her window. It’s well past 4:00 AM and I honestly don’t know what to do. Apparently, these fuckers have decided we’re breaking yet another rule and staying with the woman we’ve just fucked. Rules number one through three were already blown out of the water so I assume they figured they might as well just burn the whole rulebook for a night.

Don’t fuck someone you see on a regular basis. Too late. Don’t go back to her place. Psssh, still here. Don’t get attached. Yeah, if we wanted to keep that one intact, we wouldn’t have touched the little curled-up kitten who’s been plaguing our brains for ten months.

I roll my head on my shoulders, trying to relieve some of the tension as I try to decide what to do. Violet’s in the middle of the bed and the man she calls Rook is curled up behind her like a fucking second skin. And behind him is my cousin, who is sprawled out like a goddamn starfish. I shake my head and pray to all that is holy that we all get out of here before she wakes up in the morning and starts asking questions.