Page 33 of Violet Craves

Fuck it.

I walk over to the bed and as gingerly as possible, I lay down on her other side, careful not to jostle the bed and wake her. I stiffly lay down, crossing my arms tightly over my chest. Holy fuck, I am so fucking uncomfortable. I have never,fucking never, shared a bed with a woman for anything but sex. And I’m generally halfway dressed and out the door before the condoms even off.

I close my eyes, forcing myself to calm down and relax. It’s just a goddamn bed. You’re a 32-year-old hardened criminal. You’re a Mafia Don for fucks sake. You can share a bed with a goddamned woman. Fuck.

“You can get under the blanket,” the kitten whispers, making me jump. She giggles softly and the sound fucking does something to me. I look over and find her already staring at me with soft, sleepy eyes. I open my mouth to tell her no but she puffs out her plump lower lip in an adorably pathetic pout and before I can even protest, my bodies already moving.

See what I meant? The she-devil is dangerous. She fucking messes with my head. if given half the chance, she could have each of us wrapped around her little pinky finger. I’m so fucked.

Crawling under the blanket, I try to force my body to relax. But the moment I’m settled, she curls her body around mine and drops her head onto my chest. Her long, lean legs wrap around my body, and her arm curls over my stomach. My abs flex under her touch and my cock instantly hardens. I don’t know what to do with my own fucking body. Am I supposed to touch her? Does she want me to fucking cuddle?

Dangerous, lethal fucking woman.

“Calm down, babe,” she says with a breathy laugh. “You’re so tense. After cumming so many times, you should be a pile of goo like me.”

“Sorry,” I murmur instinctively. Why the fuck am I apologizing? I apologize to no one. “I’ve never slept with a woman before.”Shut your fucking mouth idiot, I internally groan. Fuck.

“What? But that doesn’t make any sense. After tonight, I guess I just assumed you guys fuck women like this all the time.”

“We do,” flies out of my stupid, stupid mouth before I can stop it. She tenses and I have the immediate urge to make her feel better. “I mean, we fuck women, but then we leave. We share women. But not like this. Tonight was different.” She pauses for a minute before her body relaxes somewhat.

“How?” she whispers.

“Because it was you, kitten.” Again with the verbal diarrhea. I need to get the fuck out of here.

“What does that mean? I’m not special,” she chuckles and the self-deprecating tone is so unlike the woman I’ve spent all night getting to know. She doesn’t seem the type to feel judgmental of herself.

“Of course you are. We wouldn’t have watched you for almost a year if you weren’t. We wouldn’t have pursued you and demanded a night of your time if you weren’t. And we sure as fuck wouldn’t be in your bed if you weren’t special, kitten. Isn’t it obvious?”

She falls back into silence but relaxes onto my chest once again. I’m happy that the tension has left her and my arm tentatively wraps around her body. I’m surprised by how good it feels. It feelsreallyfucking good. I pull her into my side more snugly and she burrows her little body into me.

Fucked. So fucking fucked.

“So, tell me about yourself,” she murmurs after a while. Now my body is the one to tense.

“What do you want to know?” It comes out like an angry growl but I can’t help it. This conversation is breaking another rule. No names, no numbers, no details or information that could lead her back to us.

“What’s your favorite color?” she whispers as she begins to draw soft patterns on my chest with her delicate finger. I huff out a laugh at her question.

“I don’t think I have one.”

“Everyone has one. I’ll start. Mine is purple,” she giggles because it’s fucking obvious. I’m pretty sure the color purple threw up in her room.

“You don’t say,” I drawl and she slaps my chest playfully. “Fine, black.”

“Oh, like your soul?” she chides.

“How did you know?” I deadpan. Her body shakes with silent laughter. Suddenly I realize that my body is sinking further into the bed and Im feeling more relaxed than I have in I don’t even know how long. “What’s your favorite food?”

“Sushi. I could eat Rainbow Rolls every fucking day,” she moans out her response, and my already hard cock twitches. Over sushi. Christ have mercy on my idiot soul. “You?”

“My nonna’s homemade mushroom risotto. Or maybe her Spaghetti Alla Carbonara. Actually, any of her dishes. The best fucking food I’ve ever had.” Now I’m the one fighting a moan.

“Do you get to eat it a lot? You don’t look like you take in that many carbs,” she jokes with a poke to my solid eight-pack. I want to laugh, but an instant pang of loss hits me in my chest and I physically have to rub at the spot.

“No,” my voice cracks, and I have to cough to clear my throat. “My nonna passed away over ten years ago so I haven’t gotten to eat her food in a while. Must be why I’m so ripped.” I try to joke, to distract her from how fucking sad it makes me to think about my nonna. I don’t get sad. I don’t have the fucking liberty.

Years of conditioning have me bracing for her to laugh or make fun of my apparent weakness. But that’s not what I get. She lifts herself up on her elbow and looks down at me, eyes soft and sincere. She takes her hand and slides it up my jaw, cupping my cheek. It’s the single most intimate gesture of my entire fucking life and my heart begins to beat erratically.