Page 13 of Her Dark Past

“What’s the matter, my lady?” he asked, concern on his face.

I walked straight up to him, and in one sharp movement, brought my knee up hard between his legs. His eyes widened, and I saw tears form in those ice-blue eyes of his. He made a strangled sound, bent over, and cupped his hands between his legs in case I was tempted to take another shot. I didn’t feel the need. I bent down to murmur in his ear.

“Next time you want to give orders about whom I get to fuck, I suggest you look in the mirror and give the order to go fuck yourself. Though I would probably wait a couple of days, because I bet that’ll bruise.”

I turned and walked past Zayn who was clearly trying to avoid laughing, and up the stairs where I stormed into my bedroom and slammed the door behind me.



“Tory...LadyVictoria?”Iknocked on the bedroom door, then slowly pushed it open and stuck my head around it. Tory was sitting on her bed, her back against the large, padded headboard. A ginger cat sat on her lap, and a black and white one was curled up on her feet. The black cat we’d somehow managed to smuggle back from Egypt on the private jet was wrapped around her neck like some kind of fur stole—one that opened golden eyes and gave me an irritated look as I stepped into the room. Tory was scrolling through something on her phone, though a stack of books sat on her bedside table, and a couple still lay on her bed next to her. She looked up as I came in.

“Is something wrong?” she asked. Okay, not exactly a welcoming tone, but she wasn’t yelling at me to get out either, so I guessed that was progress. I decided to take the bull by the horns.

“No, nothing’s wrong. It’s my night off, and Wesley just arrived, so we wondered if you fancied maybe getting a takeaway and hanging out? Maybe watch a movie or something?”

She looked at me for a few moments before setting her phone down on the charger on her bedside table and gently pushing the cats off her body. “I guess. There’s nothing better to do. Wesley’s here?”

I tried to ignore the little dig. “Yes, he was here to see West, but he’s done now.”

She grimaced. “West is around?”

I smiled. “He’s on outer patrol tonight with Zayn. There are guards on the doors, and we’ll check the doors and windows before we relax, but it’s just us in the house.”

She nodded and stood up, stretching. I couldn’t help but watch the taut lines of her body. Her long dark hair was pulled up in a loose bun, and the few soft curls tumbling down only accentuated her very bare and vulnerable neck. Her soft brown skin was covered only by a thin pale pink camisole, and she wasn’t even wearing a bra. Shit, even in sweatpants and a camisole, this girl was hot. Hunger and desire sparked inside me, and I looked away, trying to think about something else. She slid her feet into fluffy boot style slippers and walked towards me.


I nodded. “Don’t you want a hoodie or something in case you get cold?” I fought to look at her face and not at the way her nipples stood out slightly in that top.

“No, I’m good.” She pushed past me, and I shook my head as I followed her down the hallway.

I swear she knew exactly what she was doing to me. She hadn’t let me feed her or feed from her since just after we’d returned home, and I was well aware she was pissed at me for not standing up for her to West. It was difficult though. Not only was West my boss in this life, he was also my high priest. I had sworn obedience to him as well as to her. He was damn good at what he did, and it wasn’t often that I felt like going against him. In this lifetime, though, he was different, and I just couldn’t put my finger on why. He seemed so closed off. I missed our friendship, and it hurt to watch how cold he was with Tory. Whatever she said, I knew it hurt her too. He was completely focused on catching this stalker, and he was convinced now that Tory was awakened, they would make their move soon, but as soon as we caught the asshole responsible, West better have a damn personality change, because I wasn’t going to let him get away with this attitude for much longer.

“Wesley!” We reached the top of the stairs and Tory flew down them, throwing her arms around Wesley who still stood in the entrance hall.

“Oh, um, hi, Tory,” he said, lifting his arms to hug her back. They kind of hung in the air for a moment before he awkwardly patted her back. She didn’t seem to notice.

“It’s so good to see you! Why have you taken so long to come by?”

He blinked down at her then removed his glasses, pulling out his hanky to clean them. “Well, uh, I’m really sorry. I had to arrange cover for my post at the university in Zagazig, and then West wanted something researched, so I needed to be in London near the library and the British Museum.” He smiled shyly as she slipped her arm around his waist. “But I would have come sooner if I could have. Oh, I brought you these. Jack said you were a little bored, and, well, it’s not exactly light reading but...” He handed her a heavy leather satchel. She hefted it onto the central table and opened it, peering inside.

“What’s that?” I asked curiously.

“Books!” she squealed, pulling them out.

I peered over her shoulder.

“Gods and Kings of Ancient Egypt.Funerary Practices in the Lower Kingdom.The Myth of Ma’at. Wow, fascinating.” She turned her head and stuck her tongue out at me. “Just because you remember everything, smart arse. I need some reminders and new reading material. These are great, thank you so much, Wesley.”

“C’mon, Wes,” I said, grabbing his arm before he could start cleaning his glasses again. “Let’s go crash in the snug, and we can decide what food we’re going to order.”

“Oh, okay...”

Tory grinned at me and followed us into the snug. She tapped a few buttons by the doorway and the lamps came on, bathing the room in a warm glow. A huge squashy corner sofa dominated the room, with a matching padded footstool in the centre. A huge TV took up one wall, and underneath ran a length of low cupboard that I knew held snacks and a mini fridge. Feeling slightly reckless for some reason, I leaped over the back of the sofa, landing squarely in the corner section, hoping that would mean Tory would have to sit next to me. She realised it too, raising her eyebrows as she walked more sedately around the sofa. She lowered herself gracefully onto the seat, then gave a squawk as I wrapped my arm around her and dragged her backwards so she was sitting on my lap.

She turned and glared at me, but she didn’t pull away. Instead, she turned forward and began to wriggle around to get comfortable. It had rather an opposite effect on me, which I suspected had been the plan. Trying to ignore my growing hard-on, I took out my phone.